Don't worry mate, Pelé couldn't do it either.


Jan 7, 2011
Reaction score
What could go down as a great goal ended up in utter failure for a player known only as 'Macaca'. Not even the teams involved - presumably from the Brazilian lower leagues - are known, and a small 'crusade' has been launched by a few football fans turned bloggers, determined to learn the identity of this misterious player...

Now, the important bit, the 'incident' itself, courtesy of youtube.

Must be a municipal league, as he says "He lost what would be the third goal of ???'s team". I can't understand clearly what what said... I guess he's from the Northeast region, by the journalist accent.
"Agora o lance inusitado, a bola passa da linha do meio do campo, Macaca passa fácil por Sérgio, e faz o impossível. Perde o que seria o terceiro gol da equipe do _____"
"Now the unusual moment, the ball crosses the pitch, Macaca passes Sérgio easily, and does the impossible. He lost what would be the third goal of ____'s team"
Wow. That is quite a miss. It's not even as if he scuffs it onto the post, he misses the entire goal. Impressively bad...
If you look, it takes a nasty, nasty bobble as he strikes it. Still, no excuses.
Yeah the pitch is uneven right where he took the shot, but still, that's got to be quite an embarassing moment. That's why when I have one on one chances like that I never try to do any showboating, just tap it in. What's with the title of the thread though?
Quite a Miss, you would expect even a toddler to score the goal from there