Boring as **** to read, just scroll down and download


Jun 19, 2010
Reaction score
Hiya guys, it's me again :D. I've been playing with my favorite two teams, AFC Telford and Everton. I was constantly trying out new ideas, and tactical approaches, and the last one that hit me was this: how do I make it easy for my players? I've been reading the page, and I must admit I spent quite a few hours there, alt-tabing from game into browser and doing testing. So, to make a long story short, I've set my mind to creating a tactic so easy to use, that even imbecilles would score using it, and great teams would destroy their opponents.

I'm presenting you the result of my "research". I was thinking about a formation to use, and the obvious choice was 4-5-1. Three people in middle stopping their attack, wide players and three people in attack. It has it's flaws, like any other formation, but it is in my opinion the modern 4-4-2, and it will stay that way for a while, and everyone will use it.

Now to the philosophy. I haven't seen a single stopper in my entire life that could do much more then he is supposed to do, so obvious choice for the philosophy is rigid. CB's do their jobs and don't meddle into something they are not supposed to do. It has been that way with me for a very long time, and I don't intend to change this, even though someone might say it's not suitable for big teams or attacking strategy.

Which brings us to strategy. I said earlier I wanted to make a tactic for idiots, and by doing that I needed to give them space for passing, and width to stretch the opponents defense. So I gave them attacking strategy, as the tactic creator pushes the sliders like I like them.

Passing is more direct. Playing short passing isn't good when attacking, because the distance between players is to big, the width must be lowered and we need width to score goals, and make more space for players to pass the ball. I'm making it easier for them by doing direct passing.

Creative freedom and roaming are two settings that I like to move together. If I chose more expressive, I usually chose more roaming, as I beleive the two are connected. I said I want this tactic for dumbasses, so more roaming could ruin it, and I already chose rigid philosophy, so I'm going to leave both settings on default.

Pressing is left to stand off. More pressing would tire out my players, and standing off allows them to position themselves better for receiving the ball, so this is my choice.

Tackling is left to default. You prolly all know the good and the bad of two other options, so I wont be explaining.

Marking is set to default, as the creator already chose man marking for my two CB's and CM/D, and zonal for the rest.

Crossing is also set to default. Even bad teams may have a tall striker with good heading, so it would be unwise to set this to drill.

Counter attacking style is turned off, as I'm not going for a fast attack buildup, as I want my players to have more time with the ball, and make it easier for them to set up a proper action.

And last but not the least, as I played with both teams with this tactic, it turned out I had to use "work ball into box" shout very often, if not all the time, as sometimes we would do long shots when we couldn't break their defence, so I manually set all my players to do long shots rarely.

That's it, thank you both for reading, and download it if you will. It should be good for any kind of team.

Idiot (AFC Telford, Aug 2011).tac
I just tested it some more, and whole lot of it is pointless...the tactic simply doesnt work as it should
Actually this tactis work fine for me. The AMR is destroying every team with crosses while the AML is destroying every team with through balls and shooting from distance. Perfect tactic for teams who can't afford buying a whole bunch of new players to fill every gap in the team.
Good job m8
Actually this tactis work fine for me. The AMR is destroying every team with crosses while the AML is destroying every team with through balls and shooting from distance. Perfect tactic for teams who can't afford buying a whole bunch of new players to fill every gap in the team.
Good job m8

They are not supposed to shoot from distance. What team are you managing?