
Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
I've been looking and looking, trying and trying to find a functional tactic that utilized a sweeper. It's just a unique position that I've wanted to use for quite a while and used a lot (as a Libero) in some counter attack tactics in FM13, but I've struggled with adapting to for FM14 with the change in the tactic engine.

I think I've found one.

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The tactic utilizes something I've seen referenced as the "defensive diamond" and the "defensive P" on some other tactic sites/blogs. Most of those had to deal with pure defensive based/parking the bus style tactics, though, and while I love good defense, that's not what I'm looking for. Instead, I decided to load up the attacking third for counter attacks up the middle, commanded by my marauding regista.

Essentially the tactic forces everything wide and the other team to either spend forever trying to break them down with short passing, or to bomb in through balls and crosses. I've played with 2 and 3 CB at the back a ton, and no matter what I did, through balls from wide to center seemed to always get through, which is what the sweeper was perfect for. Utilizing just one CB on stopper duty, he presses attackers as the come in and wins the ball, while the DLP sits deep to provide cover above the hole where the sweeper is, as well as the fullback in defend duty. I found that an anchor man at the second DM spot just mucked things up and was pulled out of position too much, whereas the DLP(D) stuck to that little pocket. The sweeper then cleans up the left overs and through balls, distributing it back out to the midfield. With 2 CBs, the sweeper seemed to just crowd the area.

In the attack, while it can get congested at times in the attacking third in the middle, it usually works out as a benefit because the box is flooded with attackers. Typically however, there is a bit of an attacking diamond with the AF leading the charge and the outside AMC's running wide giving a nice window to push the ball around.

For preseason training, I did fitness/high and full tactic training until it was fluid. In-season I did balanced/average and attacking movement/defensive positioning depending on who I was playing. I also trained players in their position, with the exception of every DM as DLP (best array of stats), the AF as a DLF and the FB's as wing back. I also like to have versatility among my AMC's and ST's, so I tried to go for players who can work in both roles.

Here was my transfers for the first season I ran with Newcastle:

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Here were my final results on the season. Some of the draws against big teams were set piece goals, which I can't ever seem to stop. I've tried multiple defensive setups and just... /shrug. Oh well. Man U, Arsenal and City I just assume will score at least 1 goal per game on a set piece. My goal in the first season against the power house teams any way was simply to draw.

I do not know if this is "plug-and-play" as I only did it with Newcastle. I did make sure to purchase someone competent at playing the sweeper position however, and am training some of my athletic CB youngsters as sweepers, since they're such a pain in the *** to find in the game.

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Any feedback is welcome. I'm sure that attack could use some tweaking, but I'm happy with the result consider Newcastle starts with a limited budget and a pretty thin roster. Being able to flip Ben Arfa for about 3-4 players helped a lot. Like I said, I found versatility to be a big factor, so I'd often make sure my AMC/MC's could also play DM (at least as a regista), the more pure attack AMC's could play ST, and that my CBs were cross trained as sweepers.

I also should note I trained the exact same tactic, except with control instead of counter for cup games and other matches where I was the clear cut favorite or if I was up 2+ goals in the 70th minute.

I used no OI's, though if I noticed the wingers were coming in behind my FB on the right side I would have him man-mark the winger.

Preseason: Fitness/high - tactics
Regular season: Balanced/average - att movement or def positioning

Team talks:
pre-match - assertive - keep our good run going or nothing
half if leading by less than 2 - assertive not happy with performance
half if leading by 2+ - nothing
final if win - calm - pleased with performance
final if draw/loss - calm - not happy

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Note:The reason the modern Sweeper is dead in because Goalkeepers are now responsible for the areas just behind the back lin (sweeper) while CB's and FB's are being given more creative license to charge forward (Libro). The role isn't really dead, it's just no long specialized since it's been distributed between the back 4 to make it more dynamic and fluid.

This looks like an interesting tactic. Is there any reason why you play a DLP(d) instead of a HB next to the Regista? Just curious since (to me) as Regista and a DLP offer the same qualities so you gain very little by having two int he same position (between the lines)
I thought about using a HB but I wasn't sure if he'd drop straight back enough to where it would disrupt the sweeper charging to get through balls. I'll try it out some. I was also thinking about just DM on defend duty.

That little pocket has almost seemed to become a honey pot and teams try to bang through balls there and they get gobbled up by the sweeper.

The vast majority of the goals given up are from corners and set pieces, still. Which is... super frustrating. Just drew West Brom 2-2 giving up two late corners.
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