Jul 8, 2014
Reaction score
I already posted this in Tactic section(I'd like to post the link, but it says "Post denied. New posts are limited by number of URLs it may contain and checked if it doesn't contain forbidden words"), but now I noticed this section(I am a newbie) and it seems more appropriate, so i repost here...

I tried this tactic with Empoli and it exceeded all my expectations. I finished 2nd in Serie A on first year (updated DB) and lost in final of Italian Cup.

Here is the tactic
View attachment 361046
I play with Offensive/Very Fluid

View attachment 361042
I reached that result with this team: Turnbull, Laurini, Rugani, Canuto, Whitbread, Briggs, Collison, Moro, Signorelli, Machado, Tavano
View attachment 360771

In ECL(in group stage) in second year i won against Real 2-1 at Madrid and 4-0 at home against Dortmund
View attachment 361043
View attachment 361044

Probably the tactic can appear defensive, but it's the exact opposite.

Here is what the players do:

SK(Support): I chose a sweeper keeper to allow the goalkeeper to go outside the area if necessary, and it will be necessary because of the very high defensive line(otherwise he panics when he has to start the play)

CWBs(Attack): They have to press high and stay wide, in offensive phase they'll burn the flanks and try crosses, or if they have space they'll cut inside.

CDs(Marking): They also press high helping(and being helped by) the midfielders and they'll anticipate long range passes.

CD(Cover): He won't press high, but will be more cautious and cover any hole left by other CDs.

DLP(Defend): He connects defenders with offensive players and recover balls in the midfield.

CMs(Attack): They press high and help CWBs by doubling the marking on their opponents. In attack they play short passes to open the defense for CWBs and attackers or they go in spaces when a CWB has the ball.

SS(Attack): He'll mark opponent midfielder in his position and eventually come a little back to help midfielders. In attack he'll try to go in spaces opened by the P or serve assists to him.

P(Attack): He'll help pressing of SS. In offensive phase he move into spaces or create chances for SS and CMs that go inside.

I use balanced training(medium intensity) and Defensive Movements on pre-match training

View attachment 361041

If you have time, please test it and give me some feedback.

Sorry for bad english.
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LOL , that empoli , no transfer ?
what about training :)
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As you can see by the lineup i wrote, I bought many free agents: Turnbull, Canuto, Briggs, Whitbread, Collison, Machado(I don't know if they are actually free agent, but in the DB I downloaded(end of June) they are)
I use balanced training(medium intensity) and Defensive Movements on pre-match
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Against Real Madrid, Dortmund and Juve I always used the tactic as is and it worked fine.
Do you have the tactic fully trained?

(I tested the tactic only in 14.3.1)
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Against Real Madrid, Dortmund and Juve I always used the tactic as is and it worked fine.
Do you have the tactic fully trained?

(I tested the tactic only in 14.3.1)
It's OK . It's happen a lots . Love this tactic , dominated opponent every games. They have 0 shot . LOL
I have a simple question - wht this tactic haven't any one "like" yet ? I have tried evry 14.3.1 tactics from fm-base, and all like one is the circus maximus. Carmeloanthony015 , good job, ur tactic is new quality in FM2014 after last patch.