Can Martin manage FM2103?

Surely you could have posted your story here? I'm sure that you're missing out on a lot of people following due to them not wanting to click your links.
Surely you could have posted your story here? I'm sure that you're missing out on a lot of people following due to them not wanting to click your links.

If this was the only FM forum out there I would have but this is one of SEVEN I've found and I'm sure there are more! I'm afraid I am only going to post my story once and that is on my own blog - I also can do a lot more on Blogger than I can on a forum like this...

At least people know where to go to see my FM story - it's easier for me to write it on my blog and direct people on each forum via my links, FB, Twitter etc. I might have missed out on a few here but I'm up to almost 2500 views for 6 posts since 2nd November! Hope you don't mind having to click a link to see it :)
Really enjoying this excellent write up. Although I haven't done one here yet creating a story whilst playing the game makes it that much more enjoyable IMO. Don't mind clicking a link to read it, it's well worth it keep it up.
Really enjoying this excellent write up. Although I haven't done one here yet creating a story whilst playing the game makes it that much more enjoyable IMO. Don't mind clicking a link to read it, it's well worth it keep it up.

Thanks for the thumbs up - more to come, I'm posting a new entry at the moment every three days as I have other blogs (yes, other things outside FM2013!) on the go...

Hope you continue to enjoy the posts!
as you may tell im really enjoying this as i was bought up and support pompey still have a season ticket today good luck im enjoying
Fredric Piquionne is a good signing in league 1 in my pompey save he is not doing to bad he is great along side Jake Jervis and Dexter blackstock also get him he can't stop scoring
View attachment 288433View attachment 288434im 15th after 34 games with 45 points im happy with that

Got a reasonable line-up of strikers now, what with Emile Mpenza, Fred, Rory Donelly from Swansea and Ryan Taylor from Bristol City. Main problem is the restriction of 5 loanees per game - I'll need some clever team picks this season!
Got a reasonable line-up of strikers now, what with Emile Mpenza, Fred, Rory Donelly from Swansea and Ryan Taylor from Bristol City. Main problem is the restriction of 5 loanees per game - I'll need some clever team picks this season!

yeah i had same problem