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Sep 3, 2009
Reaction score
A team wants to buy my player, my retarded chairman decided the "offer is toog ood to turn down" when in rl, its under his estimated value.

Anyway I can cancel that offer? (usin FMRTE ofc)
No,you can't because it's not in your hands,it's in the Chairman's.

Hence why it's "too good to turn down"
Only way I can think of is too play around with his contract on FMRTE. Other than that you should just let him go if you want to play honestly :D
Offering him a new contract with a big minimum release clause is the only way to prevent this beforehand, it may work after the offer is accepted aswell
Only honest way is to try offering him a new contract and hope he loves you and the club and won't sign for the other club.
Change his (the player) club loyalty to maximum, and set your club to his favourite, then offer him a new contract might work?
sorry mate, there is nothing you can do, say farewell and F U to the Chairman! :D
Offering him a new contract with a big minimum release clause is the only way to prevent this beforehand, it may work after the offer is accepted aswell

but what if I need to sell him later on?
offer him to clubs for nothing, then accept all the bids and hope he accepts one of their contract offers then you can cancel the deal. Usually works for me!
Make the players loyalty maximum and make your club his favourite club,the offer him a lucrative contarct
You can prevent this by setting the asking price of your important players to 99M. CPU managers dont offer below your asking price unless you are offering the player.
If you are in transfer window, Go to FMRTE, transfer proposals, You can see the contract offered by CPU, put to minimum wages so that your player wont accept it,.

Or you can also edit the transfer money they have offered, put to some 200M so that transfer falls.
Make the players loyalty maximum and make your club his favourite club,the offer him a lucrative contarct
Worked =D
If you are in transfer window, Go to FMRTE, transfer proposals, You can see the contract offered by CPU, put to minimum wages so that your player wont accept it,.

Or you can also edit the transfer money they have offered, put to some 200M so that transfer falls.

Will try this too :)
Seems like the problem has been solved
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