
Dec 9, 2011
Reaction score
Hi I'm new here :D,
I'm looking for a solid defender in my 2nd season as Chelsea to play on rotation or back-up.
I was looking at Shawcross and Otamendi but I can't seem to get a good deal on them...
Any other suggestions (under 20m would be great)
It'd be great if i got some advice on how to get the best transfer deals, I've tried praising on media to little effect
Ezequiel Munoz is a fantastic defender for my West Brom side, okay so West Brom aren't exactly Chelsea standard but seriously this player is fantastic! Has good physical stats and then he good with all the defensive stats. I signed him start of my second season from Palermo for £6m. He's young too which will benefit you when Terry retires. Here's a screenshot of him in my current save :)

View attachment 211701

To be honest I actually reckon he is good enough for your first team.

Also about transfer advice, I don't know the best advice but the obvious thing to do, is make a suitable bid and if they counter-offer then you know there is room for negotiation and so from then on you can just negotiate down. Oh also never do too many monthly installment deals since they will destroy your finances. The only time talking to the press will work is when you have a good reputation as a manager, if you're known worldwide and you admire a player in the press, then the player is more likely to accept your praise and become unsettled.
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Chelsea actually have got quite a few defenders with great potential if you have the patience to bring them up.
Look at Nathan Ake and Nathaniel Chalobah from the youth team. They have tremendous potential.
Also Tomas Kalas is returning from loan and he's got great upside - young and loads of potential. Can also cover right back if you let bosingwa go. Or if not rotate Ivanovic at centre back and Kalas at right back.

You don't need to buy, but if you want a proven CB - Chielini for about 25 mil and Younes Kaboul should be available cheaply as tottenham don't want him - I think 8-9 million should be enough.

Source: Played as Chelsea
don't forget to offer installments + % of profit from sale, always less of a hit on your budget that way