Lampard 8

Nov 13, 2011
Reaction score
my chelsea team currently looks like this at the start of the second season

---Ivanovic ---- Terry ----- Luiz ----- Cole----
---- Essien/Ayew ----- lampard/mikel----- (CM)

----Lavezzi/willian (AMR)------- Mata/ Sturridge/ Mollo (AML)
-----Torres ------ Aguero/ Lukaku ----

terry is getting on as well as cole and i have no real replacements for them,
i have jordi alba who just doesnt cut it as a left back. i was gonna bring natahniel chabolah at CB through but he has 1-2 more years before he can take on the prem players.
any good cb and left backs that i could purchase.
info: hummels and sakho has gone to real madrid
LB: Aly Cissokho or Criscito.
CB: Try to get Varane from Real. Others: Vertonghen, Alderweireld, Davide Astori to name few. Also Thiago Silva who's the best CB in the game, but he'll cost you.
You could possibly try Subotic instead of Hummels and possibly Jack Robinson for LB? I'm not sure how good Robinson is at that point.
Douglas, from Twente, is also a good CB, worth taking a look.
might take a closer look at douglas and subotic
there is no way that i gonna get robinson liverpool arent too friendly with chelsea.
If you're worried about ageing than obviously your best bet is to get very young defenders. I got rid of Pepe on my Real save (I hate his aggresive behaviour irl) and replaced him with Muhammed Besic. Rotating Besic with Varane. Start of 2nd season I bought Thiago Silva and dropped Besic to Castilla but if you can get Varane amd Besic, you'll cover both if one gets injured/fatigued.Left back I would recommend you look at Ricardo Rodriguez/Alex Santos. C: I'm also kidway through my 2nd season with Real so the players in them would be similar in terms of ability.
I put natahniel chabolah in my squad at the start of my game with Chelsea and he is amazing straight from the off :)
Maybe Davide Santon for lb? I know he is originally a RB but he can play LB and he could be useful if you have injury problems at RB.
i would actually suggest using cole to tutor bertrand, who if you train well will become a good left back. but if you want to buy, yea go for criscito

for the CD prob, try looking at samba/shawcross/subotic (shouldn't be too costly) or if you have a big budget and willing to spend then by all means go for Thiago Silva/Chiellini
Gareth Bale for LB.
Thiago Silva for CB.