Lampard 8

Nov 13, 2011
Reaction score
i am managing chelsea it is goingg good at the moment
i am playing a 4-5-1 formation aaswell as a 4-2-3-1 and 4-2-2-2 formation all in rotation which is working really well
i am looking for:

A young RB
a back up left back
and a 21-26 YO MC/DMC or AMC/MC
i have about 50 mill to spend:
Any suggestions??

I have sold: malouda, drogba, anelka , kalou
For your young right back, Romario or Sime Vrsaljko. Willian is a must buy and can play on either wing, or in the middle. Ganso would be great for the midfield playmaker role in the middle. Gotze is also a GOD on the Left, and can play anywhere accross the park. Chance of getting all of these players for £50m though, slim to none.
Buy Kyle Walker.

Use Bertrand as backup LB, very consistent player.

AMR/AML Id go with Neymar/Hulk/Hazard/Vargas
AML is Mata easily play him as an advanced playmaker.
Right back- Corchia the French right back. He is super
back up left back is Bertrand, also train Ivanovic to play left back as he can do a job there.
Lassana Diarra was my first and only signing in first season, he is super, I also signed Jan Ventengohen (wrong spelling) from Ajax in Jan for 7mill and is a wonder signing as he is verstile and cheap wages but top notch.
I signed Marek Hamsik in Summer of 2012 for 24million, in December and he has 11 goals playing in behind Torres and 13 assists as playmaker.

I play a flat back four, 2 defensive mids, 1 as anchor man other as defensive mid support (usually ramires) 3 in behind torres, Mata AML playermaker, Hamsik playmaker also and sturridge/kalou as AMR as a winger.

I also signed Otamendi for 12mill. conceded 3 goals in prem in 16 games.
Otamendi and Luiz first choice centre backs, unreal. also with 1 attacking near and far post from corners Im deadly with Luiz on 7 goals and Otamendi on 6.

Getting Cavini in too so maybe throw him AMR, as he has no hope of getting on ahead of Torres. Drogba super when he pays. Kakuta also very good, 4 goals in 8 when I have played him in group games in champs league and league cup.

Train Bertrand to also play right back for cover. Honestly the guy I mentioned above from Ajax is unreal. great signing. Also check out Van der Weil for a right back.
RB - Romario- Vitoria
LB - use bertrand
AML - Mata
AMR - Gotze/ Hazard
CM - Willian
definetely hulk as AMR, scored bag loads for me and got most assists, bargain for 25 - 30 mil, also willian is a great option as he turns out great !