Question: Training - Schedule, workload and influence of coaches

Micky Pain

Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score

long time reader, first time poster here...

I've been trying a lot of different training schedules (both downloads and home made). Not to get too much into it (as there are other posts), but I started wondering what the effective connection is between coach star rating and workload.

* Does the star rating determine how much the players improve?
* Do you need a certain X star coach to develop an associated skill above value Y?
* Can you drop the workload of, say, fitness to put into other areas if you have a fitness coach with 7 star and still get decent improvements?
* Also, does the coach's language have an impact on how well he performs (I have a Spanish only fitness coach e.g.)
* How long does it take for the schedule to give you an accurate indication whether or not it's working? And does the star rating have an impact on that?
* Is it a viable to try to make alternating schedules? E.g. heavy on fitness one week, while heavy on tactics the next?

I'm just asking mainly because I only recently got my first few 7 star coaches (always lower league....), and while still using mainly the same training schedules as before, my stats actually drop for some players (randomly - both young, old, happy, unhappy, defenders, wingers, etc...)

Beginning of my current season, all my schedules were dropping almost all stats, after about 2 weeks it went to almost all improvements, and now after only 5 weeks it's back to almost all dropped stats.
Same coaches, same schedule, almost exact same morale - and fitness/conditioning is all high with a reasonable workload in training.

I'm rambling, I know, but this is driving me nuts.
Hope I didn't post too much already asked here somewhere, but I honestly couldn't find anything clear about any of my concerns on this forum....

any help appreciated
