Chromebook vs. Netbook: Which is Better?

Dec 4, 2011
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I'm very interested in the Asus Transformer. Today I just found the Google ChromeBook

I want to install and administrate wordpress websites, manage and create website hosting accounts from my new reseller account, and, if possible, begin to use cloud based graphic design apps...if they exist.

Which would you choose to perform these task? I need your opinion
Personally using a netbook longer than an hour is frustrating, let alone using it to design websites, its just too small and mines an inch bigger than regular netbooks.
u cant play fm in a chomebook, so i assume netbook wins :P
You couldn't really use a netbook to play FM, would be too slow and the screen would be too small.
You couldn't really use a netbook to play FM, would be too slow and the screen would be too small.

hmm, true, but the chrome is all but Google really, aka internet base pc. imo, i dont even recognize chromebook as a pc/laptop. :)
hmm, true, but the chrome is all but Google really, aka internet base pc. imo, i dont even recognize chromebook as a pc/laptop. :)

But he wants it to administrate websites, so an internet based 'book would be ideal.