
May 12, 2011
Reaction score
Has anybody been able to create a defensively solid tactic that only focuses on not conceding? Used for a "play for the draw game" that has been able to keep the whole game 0-0 (obviously it will not work every game) or even a tactic that they switch to to see a game out and not concede for the rest of the game? Whenever I've tried to park the bus the opposition somehow always seem to score goals past me, and usually more goals than what they would if I were attacking myself... Let me know :)
In my experience parking the bus this year does not help that much, instead a tactic that focuses on wasting time and keeping hold of the ball with large numbers in midfield is better than parking the bus for a clean sheet.

I created a 4-6-0 with instructions set to waste time to the max, I told every player to do short passes only and that has helped me shut out games for wins, I honestly can't remember conceding that much if at all when I used that method.
Sounds nice, I think anything like that would help. What type of player roles were you using in the midfield and how were they positioned?
The problem with totally parking the bus is that it takes combined effort from every player on your team. One slip, one missed interception, one player getting turned the wrong way, and it can create a scoring chance for the opposition. You're sitting deep so you're inviting pressure, and they will sometimes find a way thru.

Possession might be the way to go, if you go mostly with support players and don't try to press too high so you can't get countered.