Computer loading Skin

Xplicit 191

Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
The story is that ive recently downloaded fm, thought the original skin was too bright, went to download a dark one, once downloaded the fm start screen is compressed the background is blank, and the game stops responding, wanted to know if there is a way to diasable skin manually...without having to go on fm.

I Hope somebody helps and a thanks in advance.
Just go to where you installed the skin and delete the folder.
Problem is is that it is still a blank screen, cant seem to click anything...
btw thanks for the amazingly quick reply!
Hmm, try this. Used to work for FM10...

  1. If you have a shortcut on your desktop you can do the following:
  2. Right-click on the FM shortcut.
  3. Choose "Properties" from the pop-up menu.
  4. In the "Target" field, add the --reset_preferences command line option after "fm.exe", so it should look like this:
    "C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2011\fm.exe" --reset_preferences
  5. Press OK and then try to run the game as normal, using the shortcut.
You'll want to remove the command after you run the game, as otherwise it will continue to reset your preferences every time you launch.
Thanks, just tried it, not really sorry im burdening you but i just want to play my fm...

---------- Post added at 01:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 AM ----------

Just an update, ive got fm running fine now, thanks for all the help, really appreciated.