
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hi All,

Hope everyone is doing well?

I really need some constructive comments on my tactics and even squad members. I am QPR ( also real life fan), in my first season I finished in 13th Place, I did win the League Cup last year. I thought not bad for only making about 4 signings that season Kaboul, Darren Gibson, Pekalski, Borysuik. My tactics changed through the year because I couldn't find what truely suited them until now I think with 4-2-3-1 deep. With these tactics my European Form is brilliant, I am undefeated and qualified to the knock out stages with 2 games to go so I can rotate a few players. However my premier league form has been a pain, its inconsistant. I don't seem to have a chance against the top 5 - liverpool, man utd, man city, chelsea, arsenal.

I used these three tactics to start with - View attachment 209399 View attachment 209400 View attachment 209401

Then as you can see from my results against the big teams I had no chance really. Currently I am using a Classic version of 4-2-3-1 to see if that will make a difference, I won 1 - 0 against Everton, so maybe this will lead to consistency.

Could you give me any advice to do with the tactic or even squad members I like to think I have improved the squad massively.

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Here are some screenies of my fixture results, squad and new classic tactic.

Here are the Liverpool, Man City and Chelsea Stats from the games.

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Me thinks ur problem is regaining ball back from opposition when losing it aka Pressing. Also noticed that especially vs. Man City and Liverpool, they had 5 and 4 CCC's to your 0. That tells that your defense section fails in some areas and ur players havent breaked the opposition defense. You play a bit too attacking game vs the big ones. Ur fullbacks are too attacking, drop em in line with backfour and dont allow them to run from deep so often. That was probably ur biggest problem as most likely ur defense was outnumbered by opposition's attackers. Man marking can also be the fault, as what Ive seen with AFC Wimbledon in my save, they tend to drag out of position, to continue to mark their man. That means it creates space in the defense, which can be used by another opposition player. Mebbey try Zonal marking so they will keep their shape?

U use slow tempo, thats something what also can cause that you lose possession. Ur players will look to do things slowly, not too rushed and it gives then more time for the opposition to adapt. Especially if Opposition closes down hard and tackles hard, they will most likely get to tackle ur players and regain the possession back. Dunno how U have set ur Hold up ball setting, that has en effect too.. I'd say U shud try to play more direct attacking game, so Slow Tempo is wrong one, put it normal or quick unless U want to play possession football. U have also set Creative freedom to Much, which might hamper U as guys will then more often say; Manager told me I shud do now this and that, but **** it, Im me and I can do something else instead of following Manager's instructions. Thats basically Creative freedom, I'd say restrict it a bit, dunno how it is set in ur PI's tho..

Other than that, Ur getting shots but not CCC's. Dunno how U want ur players to create chances, is it through balls, early crosses, late crosses and header, One guy dribbles the whole field, long shots or what :)
Cheers for your feedback its making alot of sense. Against Man city they only scored because my defenders run out of position to mark their man. Just a quick question what does CCC's stand for? (noob alert)

Also I did start to notice after posting my thread, that my full backs were getting out of position and that hard tackling was breaking my play up. But also I will reduce the creative freedom for sure it was fustrating me what some of my attacking players were doing.

My main focus I thought would have been early crosses and through balls. I put my wingers to cut inside but to try through balls often. When I see them on the pitch they do change it up, they do to the byline or cut in to slot the att midfield with a shot. The cross has been good as well because I put it on drilled crosses the Adv Forward and Att midfield slot them in, or in some cases the opposing winger come to the back post and hits it in.

What you gave me means alot of sense, so I am right now changing the certain elements to see if any improvements are made. Thanks for posting :)
Also what I noticed now after taking a closer look at yer screenshots, I see U have a huge cap between ur attacking players and defenders. Ur 3 AM - Section everybody runs from deep, that means they will look to run towards the opposition, create space for others. Basically means they will probably run away, behind opposition and therefore they aint offering passing lanes. As they all run from deep often, ur ''defense section'' (DM's, FB's & CB's) are left to pass the ball around them, cos the attacking players are too far away, unless U play very long passes. Me thinks U have noticed how ur defense section kicks ball away so they press ''Panic button'' when they have no passing options towards ur attackers, resulting losing possession to opposition when they look to take the ball and then launch counter-attack or anykind of attack, which might result in goal :)

I'd say U need CM's rather than DM's if this is the case, I dunno U tell me :)
I find that is only the case in some situation when we are defending deep, but the passing has been very good so far. I took the AM from run deep and put sometimes when I made the changes you advised. With all the feedback its looking better tactically. I have won the last 3 games and created more chances in total. So I have to thank you on that :D.

The DM's do get involved moving forward very well. When we are in the final third everytime time the opposite defenders header the ball away they are nearly about 80% of the time there to pick it up to feed a through ball or move to the flanks for a cross.

I find when I put CM's in they are chasing back hard everytime there is a counter attack then there is a gap for the opposition forwards to collect the ball, however i am open to admit my noobish knowledge could have implemented them wrongly.
You have to play direct style with that gap between attack and defense. I suggest a balanced a rigid or balanced mentality and long passing. Otherwise push up the d-line and decrease the 'attacking slider' aka - playing mentality, so the gap is closed.
@ Tk1129

I have changed it to a direct style but it seems my att tactic is doing very well but my standard one seems to have lost its effectiveness. I think I will try lowering the attacking slider for the AM's. I don't think I will have long passing though. I do have a Rigid - Standard. I will have a look at the defensive line, I don't have an offside trap so I won't push the defensive line to far.