Control Regen Names


Nov 6, 2009
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Is there a way to add more name into the Regen Pool. So that when a regen gets created it has a chance to have a certain names ?
this is a quite a good question which I unfortunately don't know the answer to but wud be very kwl if you could. doubt it tho. If you're wanting to put yourself in the game you could always make yourself in an editor and put yourself in the game.
I think if a regen comes from a certain country e.g. Portugal he will most likely have portugese name. However if a regen comes from a country such as Ghana he will have either a Ghanaian full name or a british first name. Baisically it is the countries background that dertimines the regens names. I think.
Right but what I am thinking about is, if there is a way to inject a certain surname or names into a country's name pool so to say. i.e. say make it so that some German name spawns in the USA. You get what I mean?
I believe you can. I remember reading about someone doing it for fm09.

I don't know if you have to do it from the editor, or some other way.
I think if a regen comes from a certain country e.g. Portugal he will most likely have portugese name. However if a regen comes from a country such as Ghana he will have either a Ghanaian full name or a british first name. Baisically it is the countries background that dertimines the regens names. I think.

It depends on the language in that country where they get there names from. If you make Arubans speak Mongolian in the editor they'll get names from there. That's with fm 09 so probably here as well
I believe you can. I remember reading about someone doing it for fm09.

I don't know if you have to do it from the editor, or some other way.

I do remember something like this from previous FM, by editing some XML file or something. But it currently escapes me, would be nice if someone can help out lol.

i think i may have found a solution to getting completely new surnames that aren't on the game into the name pool.

i did this by playing a your the player database with me on it and after never finding one person with my surname on the game i found 10 with this database enabled.

so i have come to the conclusion that if you create a player with a new surname that isn't recognised by the game then other regens that share his nationality will have the chance to use his surname, and as such you have effectively added a new surname to the name pool for that nation for that save game.

unfortunately i haven't got much time to test this theory out to make sure it definately works so i would like a willing volunteer to assist me by picking a nation that has a small name pool and adding a few players with totally different surnames to it (e.g. asian surnames to a carribean nation), and then loading all players from that nation to see if other people get their custom surnames and whether they carry on being used in the future or not.
In my sporting save its quite common to have regens from luxembourg, switzerland, french, and less frequently, german, italian, and from multiple african countries.

For instance, i just had the new Iaquinta spawning at sporting.
The region controls the names of the regens, not just setting the names for the country and so forth. You could just not give them a region, too and it usually works that way too. So just edit the region in the data editor. At least it was that way in FM10, I dunno what changes have been made in the editor for FM11, but my understanding is there were a few.
meh someone bumped, i will answer, the only way to do it is through FMRTE as far as i know, just edit a name of the regen when they generate.