
Aug 9, 2009
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Right so i was thinking of a project to do but my edor is broke so i was wondering if someone could make me a database and upload for me and potentially anyone else.

Right so I was thinking of taking a good premier league club, sunderland and making them bankrupt and demotd to league 2 with all staff and players removed. You have a Abu Dhabi business man to take over quite rich and a soething olike a3-4 mil kitty to rebuild the club.

Also would like lateset transfer updates in the game eg silva- city, hodgson and cole - liverpool etc

all sunderland players free agents too.

If you could this would be appreciated
Any suggestions and feedback too :)
you cant start a game with no players, if you make a team have no players you get a number of regens, but everything else will be easy.

p.s. u said a good premier league club then said sunderland...
my editor doesnt work and sunderlasnd are a decent team lol
you cant start a game with no players, if you make a team have no players you get a number of regens, but everything else will be easy.

p.s. u said a good premier league club then said sunderland...
You can start with no players if you untick add key staff I think
You will justend up with regens,but another idea to consider is putting unknown not so good players into Sunderland and then trying to rebuild the club
Ok another member idea need help to get a New Zealand league going into asia champ and New Zealand team in asia world cup qual same comps as australia can anyone help can edit the New Zealand league later on for stadiums etc just need it based in asia and need the 5 year qual for citzenship reduced to 2 not have new zealand citzinship but need 5 years before being able to play for nz
Did you not Request this on my Thread and I did it for you??