Counter Attack Tactic help

Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I need some help at creating a successful counter attacking tactic. Should i use short or direct passing? How do i play with a deep d-line but still pressing the ball? Which shouts could be useful for counter attacks? Anything i should bear in mind when trying to make a counter attacking tactic?

Thanks in advance

you cannot play short and counter mate :) you need to play the ball upfield directly and as quickly as possible..

use shouts:

clear ball to flanks/exploit flanks/pass into space/get ball forward/run at defence/play wider

a deep 442 with DM's is probably a good idea or a deep 42121

stand off/zonal marking is a good tactic to employ as this will invite the opp into your half and hopefully over committing players so when you win the ball back, you can exploit them
Okay thank you for quick respond, but do you think a deep 4231 would work as well? So i should use direct passing, but which style would suit best for Counter attacks? Balanced, rigid or fluid?
Okay thank you for quick respond, but do you think a deep 4231 would work as well? So i should use direct passing, but which style would suit best for Counter attacks? Balanced, rigid or fluid?

yeah that would work as well mate ;)

rigid I feel works best with countering, however, balanced and fluid can work well too..

if you are a smaller team I suggest rigid, top team then balanced or fluid.. you do not want your players overlapping too much leaving you susceptible to counters..
Yea i see. Planing on using a dlp and dmc in a 4231 is it a waste to have a playmaker in counter attacks? If they have to pass it to him so he can launch the through balls etc. Also should i change anything in player instructions?
Yea i see. Planing on using a dlp and dmc in a 4231 is it a waste to have a playmaker in counter attacks? If they have to pass it to him so he can launch the through balls etc. Also should i change anything in player instructions?

DLP is perfect mate, he will be the one initiating them hopefully.. always make sure you leave him on the edge of area when defending set pieces as the ball most of the time falls there, he will pick it up and launch the counter (also leave your two quickest players upfront)

well that depends on you and your players mate :) I cannot write out a whole tactic for you :)

good luck
I am interested in playing the same formation. But Raikan, counter style,doesn't automatically has slow tempo and narrow?
Also do you recommend ml/mr, or AML,AMR?
So to summarize.
Strategy : Counter,
passing : flanks,direct
tempo quick
width, wide?
Is this correct?
I am interested in playing the same formation. But Raikan, counter style,doesn't automatically has slow tempo and narrow?
Also do you recommend ml/mr, or AML,AMR?
So to summarize.
Strategy : Counter,
passing : flanks,direct
tempo quick
width, wide?
Is this correct?

not once did I ever say that mate, lol, please read what I said properly....

yes, that is correct with either Rigid or Balanced!
not once did I ever say that mate, lol, please read what I said properly....

yes, that is correct with either Rigid or Balanced!
I did not said that you said that

I am just saying that these are the default tactics options if you adopt a counter strategy. So we should change.
Regarding mr/ml or AML/AMR?
DLP is perfect mate, he will be the one initiating them hopefully.. always make sure you leave him on the edge of area when defending set pieces as the ball most of the time falls there, he will pick it up and launch the counter (also leave your two quickest players upfront)

well that depends on you and your players mate :) I cannot write out a whole tactic for you :)

good luck

You sure this wont effect negatively on defending corners :)?
yeah, thats kinda strange. it makes sense to play wide and quick when countering, however, if you use the default sliders in a tactic where you have chosen "counter", they will show a narrower play and slower tempo than if you go with standard, control or attacking. in most threads i've read, people say they have problems playing counter with some tactics. maybe this is why.

but if we cant really trust the default sliders that SI has set, what can we trust? lol if it wasn't for the likes of Raikan and TheBetterHalf, we'd all be F#%$&D! :)
I guess that to play on the counter you need to be narrow to deny space in the midfield. The ME is so evolved, in my opinion, that you can play narrow and have your Winger's/IF's enough wide to provide attacks. In my save, I have a tactic totally based on Counter and I have the Width just in the middle. I'm very sucessful with that. Normally, I don't conceed more than 1 goal or even none.
As for the tempo I guess the explanation to be slow on the default setting is that way the team can build up caustiously and don't loose the ball quickly. I play with high tempo because I've a deep d-line and have pacey wingers. That way I can manage to create more danger. I guess that there are many styles to play on the counter. It depends the team you have.

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This is only an idea to play Football. Not an universal point lol.

yeah, thats kinda strange. it makes sense to play wide and quick when countering, however, if you use the default sliders in a tactic where you have chosen "counter", they will show a narrower play and slower tempo than if you go with standard, control or attacking. in most threads i've read, people say they have problems playing counter with some tactics. maybe this is why.

but if we cant really trust the default sliders that SI has set, what can we trust? lol if it wasn't for the likes of Raikan and TheBetterHalf, we'd all be F#%$&D! :)
IMHO raikan is wrong in the tactical sense but is right in what works for the game to a degree. In a traditional sense when playing counterattcking your team will have a deep defensive line partnered with a stand off approach which keeps players behind the ball. When playing with that many behind the ball the goal is to let the opponent push on to you like raikan said but you'll want your team to be tight and compact defensively so a narrow approach would be adopted when defending.

This is what Si have put there settings to however in the past (championship manager) you used to be able to set your defensive strategy when you don't have the ball. Anybody with sense would put it to narrow since it's harder to brake down but it was probably to exploitable on the match engine too easily.

A way to combat this will hopefully be available in the future with a much needed revamp of the tactics, hopefully with a bit more options in certain areas i.e player movement being less vague then just cut inside, move into channels and hug touch line.
This may happen now with the emergeance of FM Classic allowing simpler tactics and and FM normal allowing greater detail and control, hopefully.

tl;dr raikan is right in the counter "attacking" sense but si is also right on the defensive side of counter attacking.

you cannot play short and counter mate :) you need to play the ball upfield directly and as quickly as possible..

use shouts:

clear ball to flanks/exploit flanks/pass into space/get ball forward/run at defence/play wider

a deep 442 with DM's is probably a good idea or a deep 42121

stand off/zonal marking is a good tactic to employ as this will invite the opp into your half and hopefully over committing players so when you win the ball back, you can exploit them
I always find you get destroyed in terms of possession though. Isn't this a little dangerous? Do you use any individual closing down instructions? Maybe first notch of own half? Just asking because I tried to create a counter attacking tactic and set it up exactly as you say but can't launch a counter because I can't get the ball! Players just stand off while the opposition play it around and ping in long shots.
I always find you get destroyed in terms of possession though. Isn't this a little dangerous? Do you use any individual closing down instructions? Maybe first notch of own half? Just asking because I tried to create a counter attacking tactic and set it up exactly as you say but can't launch a counter because I can't get the ball! Players just stand off while the opposition play it around and ping in long shots.

when you playing on the counter you are not worried about having less possession mate.. countering is used when you are the weaker team on the day and or playing away from home, so the possession stat should not be an issue

you HAVE to edit the players instructions .. I was just giving a simple approach to effective counter attacking systems that work in Fm.. you have to take it from there yourself and implement certain things and settings for your own players..

I cannot "make" a tactic for you by typing everything out.. it was just a suggestion that should be used a base/template :)

If you want me to make a counter attacking tactic, ask me and I will make one and upload it if you like..

this was just a suggestion :)
Counter attacking setup

This is how I would set up a counter attacking system.. of course I would change the player settings individually to suit the actual players stats

The covering defenders will ensure that they will sweep up anything or anyone that gets through the packed midfield with the anchor man patrolling around winning everything possible in front of your back four, the bigger and taller the better so he can compete in the air as well especially if the opposition have big tall strikers..

if they have smaller/quicker strikers then someone smaller and quicker would suit it better and change to a DM - Defend role instead...

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when you playing on the counter you are not worried about having less possession mate.. countering is used when you are the weaker team on the day and or playing away from home, so the possession stat should not be an issue

you HAVE to edit the players instructions .. I was just giving a simple approach to effective counter attacking systems that work in Fm.. you have to take it from there yourself and implement certain things and settings for your own players..

I cannot "make" a tactic for you by typing everything out.. it was just a suggestion that should be used a base/template :)

If you want me to make a counter attacking tactic, ask me and I will make one and upload it if you like..

this was just a suggestion :)
Oh yeah I appreciate that pal! Just pointing out that I can't seem to get the balance right. I know you lose out on possession but I get absolutely annihilated! I'm trying to create on at the moment on my Mansfield Town save and I having some success with a slightly higher line and a little more aggressive pressing. It's not 100% but the best I have at the moment. Really struggling with bigger teams though. Could be because I hate conceding possession when playing as a bigger team though!