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just lost the game
Jul 27, 2009
Reaction score
On the rules where it says that you're not aloud to request crack or serial fm, what exactly does that mean??
something to do with illegal versions of the game that can be downloaded for free. i'm no expert though.might be wrong.
yeah i thought it was like saying, how do you get free music downloads
well generally the illegal copies of FM or any other game for at matter either will need a crack (which replaces the exe file of that game with a modified version of it in order to bypass the original one) and/or a serial code (the numeric code most games have nowadays in order to be played, but in that case it would be a generated version instead of the "real" one). Since this site as most FM-sites don´t encourage people to have illegal copies of games discussed on these forums or even in general as far as i know anyway. And by asking for either of them it´s basically asking other forum members to take part in the "illegal" activity. I´ll assume that´s what that rule stands for anyway. Hope that makes it clearer
pretty confusing for a 12 year old like me but i suppose i generally get it. Cheers mate
ok well, i´ll try to simplify it. Basically cracks and serials for games are only needed for ripped copies of the "original" game, without them or any other similar program / file it´s not possible to play that ripped version.
And since ripped games are considered "illegal" mainly because you haven´t paid for it, similar to the example someone gave with music cds or films etc... it´s not welcome that some people ask for tips or advice about how to get those programs. Hope that´s better :p
Cracks are as explained above. Closed. Thanks Phil06.
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