Creating a 4-4-2 tactic for Man Utd ( FM, no real life emulation) - Discussion thread


Jun 14, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys, i couldn't find a man united team thread so i thought i would post in here with a new thread!

+ I am looking to create a 4-4-2 tactic for man utd.
+ I have the default squad with the addition of luka modric to play in my midfield alongside fletcher.

1) My question is....With an attacking strategy, what philosophy should i be looking to play, balanced or fluid?

+ I want my players in fixed positions to a certain extent, as we see Ferguson enforce a similar rigidity in real life. However, i do want my players to feel free to express themselves, especially my wingers and playmaker like we have seen from the modern day united with young, ronaldo, nani, rooney etc

2) My second question is....Is it best to tick or untick playmaker, despite having a playmaker role? I like the idea of hiding my playmaker so that not everything comes through him, but when the ball does get to him then BOOM out of nowhere he makes a ccc for my striker.

3) Thirdly I am playing hernandez as a poacher with tweaked settings so he sets up rooney coming in from deep aswell. HOWEVER, is rooney best as a complete forward (support) or deep lying forward (support) ?

Thanks for the help! :)
Ideally you should have a look at the TT&F10 Appendix, they have a suggested setup for Ferguson's Man United which you could obviously tweak a little :)

In answer to your questions:

1. I play Fluid, I prefer it but Balanced is also good.

2. I do not like having a playmaker set because if he is marked out of the game then you might experience issues

3. I would play Rooney as a Complete Forward/Attack with wide play set to normal although I am currently using him as an AMC - Attacking Midfielder/Attack

Edit: Have a look here:

Or here:
Cheers bud, very helpful. But i read in one of the tactic guides in this forum that if i am playing my advanced playmaker in midfield i ideally need to have him set to an attack duty with atleast one striker supporting to help link up play to my poacher.

Also I know the game kind of explains this already, but in your words what did you experience to be the difference between fluid and balanced philosophies?
I do not think you need the advanced playmaker in midfield on an attack duty, support will do fine. He will just hit passes and through balls from a little deeper I think, I have not tried this before. My current setup is MCL (DLP-D), MCR (B2B-S) and I am really loving it. The Box to box midfielder bursts into the box every now and then to provide an attacking threat and also drops deep to assist with defence so he is a nice link between the midfield and strikers. Also one of the Wingers is on a support duty so he also drops a little deeper to link play. And the DLP hits lovely through balls from deep. You could give it a try.

I have not used Balanced enough to comment on it's advantages in game but the reason I like a Fluid philosophy is the way players move in and out of different positions. For example, when my DR pushes too far up to assist with an attack and gets caught out, the DCR moves over to cover him and the DLP drops a little deeper to cover the central defender. It is most visible when a player is off the field getting treatment for an injury, the player closest to his position will move towards it and cover. Even in attack, at times my striker will drop deeper and the box to box midfielder will push further forward to get on the end of a cross or through ball.

Not sure if this helps :)
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Going to start up a Man U save and play half a season, making a all TC tactic, not tweaking any sliders.
Save started:

Initial thougths

Formation: Flat 442, sometimes a 4411 away against tough teams

Philosophy: Fluid

Starting Strategy: Counter or Control

Using Shouts: Yes

Other: Press more, Roaming, Playmaker NOT used ( box ticked and set to none), and NO Target Man

Defence: Nothing fancy, normal DC´s and Fullbacks on automatic


Central: one Ballwinner and one more creative. If playing with quick attacks, sitting deeper, then the playmaker is the more advanced and the Ballwinner sitting deeper. If playing width controlled based approach, then the playmaker sits deeper and the Ballwinner presses higher up in the pitch

Wingers: Depends on the players and the opposition. If using A. Young, then he is an attacking Winger, if using Park, then he is a defensive winger on support etc etc.


One poacher and one deeper, complete forward or defensive forward on support
Instead of a BWM, a CM-D could work as well?

I just do not like the amount of closing down a BWM does as it pulls him too far out of position at times.
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Instead of a BWM, a CM-D could work as well?

I just do not like the amount of closing down a BWM does as it pulls him too far out of position at times.

That would depend on what one wants to achieve. If playing with a high d-line, pressing high, then a ballwinner is a good option, pressing really hiogh up in the pitch. If one wants to drop deeper, then one could use a player cutting angels
Thanks for re-opening this :)

would there be anything wrong with playing my 2 cms as a ball winning mid (defend) and advanced playmaker (attack)?

my team would look like this

full back (support)
ball playing defender (defend)
centre defender ( defend)
full back (support)

winger (attack)
ball winning mid (defend)
advanced playmaker (attack) i like my playmaker to bomb forward like kaka used to at ac milan
winger (attack)

poacher ( attack- but set to through balls sometimes so he assists aswell)
complete/deep lying forward (support)

does this sound well balanced?
Thanks for re-opening this :)

would there be anything wrong with playing my 2 cms as a ball winning mid (defend) and advanced playmaker (attack)?

my team would look like this

full back (support)
ball playing defender (defend)
centre defender ( defend)
full back (support)

winger (attack)
ball winning mid (defend)
advanced playmaker (attack) i like my playmaker to bomb forward like kaka used to at ac milan
winger (attack)

poacher ( attack- but set to through balls sometimes so he assists aswell)
complete/deep lying forward (support)

does this sound well balanced?

Well, it would depend. If you are looking to construct a plug & play tactic, then one should look for the settings that exploits the ME the most and that tactic will and should probably be UNbalanced.

If wanting to play the game with some more realism, using the shouts and tweaking some roles and the starting strategy depending on the circumstances, then I would say that the tactic does not look balanced enough, using too many attacking duties. I would start with putting at least one winger on support and also pu the adv. playmaker on support. In matches where you do want to attack more, the strategy ( read mentality) if self will make him attacking enough
I agree with TheBetterHalf. The problem with making unrealistic plug and play tactics is that when the ME is changed/updated, the effectiveness of the tactic will most probably decrease.

One of the guys on the SI forums is using a Box to Box Midfielder with through-balls set to often alongside a more defensive partner and it seems to work really well. He will bomb forward and assist in attack quite a bit and also play through-balls from deeper every now and then so maybe could give that a try?

Also, when you have a tactic more or less put together and are watching matches, I suggest watching them in 2D Classic mode. I have found that it is so much better to spot tactical problems or to tell if you're being too attacking/defensive or if a certain player is being caught out of position :)
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Some update on the flat 442

Basiclly, I have been using these settings. As you see, there is nothing fancy here. I just let the players do their stuff. Man U has a huge advantaghe if you use the right players, the players with igh team work and work rate. If using a flat 442, dont be afraid to drop Nani and play Park instead. I have not used any playmaker, hence its set to "none"





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how do you get it so you can see shouts in your tactics screen?
WOW! Im impressed at how you were able to achieve those results using simply settings in the tactic creator. 28 goals in 10 games whilst only conceding 2!

This just reminds me that you dont need to tweak like hough/fuss/brobs/tatox for example to achieve high scorelines and dominate the game!