Creating a tactic help

Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys.

I am a big fan of the way Real Madrid, Germany and in general the way Jose Mourinho wants to play.

I like the dangerous Counter attacks, the stable defense, but somehow i struggle to get these aspects converted into the game.

What i am looking for is someone to help me sort this out. What i need is pratically a 6 man offense (Both fullbacks, AMC, both wingers, and the striker) and a 6 man defense (Both FB's, both cb's and the two defensive midfielders)

I wanna know how i make fluid movement among the 4 attackers and creative freedom in the final third. How i make my players push up the pitch without it geting out of control, and still have the stable defense.

What i am not looking for is a tactic where i stand off the entire game and having a few shots on target.

So, here it is:
Solid defense
Fluid movement among the 4 attackers
Allows creative freedom in the final third
High pressure on the ballholder to win it back and launch a counter attack
Extremely effective and dangerous counter attacks.

If you can answer just some of the questions i would be more than happy,

Thanks in advance