Creating Tactic Using TC. (Based On Players Prefered Positions/Roles)

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Nov 16, 2010
Reaction score
Hi All,

As good as it is to just download one of the killer tactics on here i'd like to make my own using the tactics creator.

Now having looked at all the top players prefered positions/roles (top 20 in each position) i have noticed some tendencies with their preferred positions/roles.

GK are usually GK - Defend with a few sweeper keepers (Buffon, Valdes etc)

RB/LB - really a mixed bag. FB and WB are both very common with support/attack roles also evenly mixed

DC - most are CD with stopper, there a quite alot of ball playing defenders with cover as well

DMC - usually DM - Defend or DLPM - defend

MC - most common are DLPM - Support, ball winning midfield - Defend/Support

AMR/AML - almost always winger with attack duty

AMC - spilt between Trequartisa/Attacking midfield - almost always attack (except wesley sneijder)

FC - target man, poacher and trequartisa with attack duty always.

so i know i can't put 7 players on attack duty cause that won't be a balanced team but i'm thinking i should be trying to use this positions shouldnt i. i see alot of people have things like inside fowards, complete forwards, advanced forwards but none of the top players like these positions. same with defenders. all the players are either a stopper or cover so knowing this shouldn't i have say lets say i choose 4-2-3-1

GK - Defend
DR - FB/WB - Support/Attack
DL - FB/WB - Support/Attack
DC - CD - Stopper
DC - CD - Cover
MC - BWM - Defend
MC - DLPM - Support
AMR - Winger - Attack
AMC - Attacking Midfielder/Trequartista - Attack
AML - Winger - Attack
FC - Trequartista/Target Man/Poacher - Attack

but theres no real guidelines on how many players should have attack duties etc. or what combinations work well together. for instance i look at dortmund cause they use this formation.

nearly all players line up except bender is down as DM not as BWM but its almost same thing.

am i on the right track. my testing has so far seem to not be doing so well.