Creators of South Park threatened by muslims!

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Aug 1, 2009
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YouTube- Radical Islamic Website threatens South Park's Matt and Trey!

As you all know, South Park takes the **** out of religion on a regular basis, and they portrayed Mohammed wearing a bear costume (as portraying him as he is is forbidden in the Qu'ran) last week. They have then been threatened by a bunch of loony muslims, and as you may know Theo van Gogh was killed not long ago by muslims after critising islam, and there are Danish journalists in hiding after drawing depictions of him a year or two ago. Well, the website just got defaced by someone, and it's got Anon all over it.
Who didn't?

I love how he interprets terrorism in the video above.
Hahahaha. Taste of their own medicine. get in Muslims!
Just what we need another bs thread where people will probably go slating different religions , like yesterday a thread about Marlon king turned into a ranting racist thread some of the people here just have no logic. Hope it does not happen in this thread but I think some people just can't help there self
I think we all knew this was going to happen eventually, South Park often use take the **** out of Muslims and we all know that Muslims dont ever see the funny side but this wont stop Matt and Trey from using muslims again, I bet you that in 2 weeks time the episode will be about Muslims
They are not being threatened by Muslims,the vast majority of Muslims are good decent people,they are being threatened by extremists and terrorists who latch on to a religon as an excuse for murder and violence.
Yeah exactly what woody said , religion is the main focus point for world war and conflict. As its usually a clash in religion or beliefs that starts its off.
Muslims are wingy whiney wee ******. Allways wanting to kill people for nothing. Try ******* smiling for once.
Can we just clear up that it is an extremist muslim group, not every freaking muslim in the world. They are a bunch of morons.
Lets not stereotype by saying that they are all a bunch of drips, as JP Woody said, some Muslims are really nice people it's just those extremists and most Muslims don't like the extremists
Muslims are wingy whiney wee ******. Allways wanting to kill people for nothing. Try ******* smiling for once.
pipe down and dont be so ignorant. most meveryday muslims wouldnt give two *****, this is an extremist muslim group.
Muslims are wingy whiney wee ******. Allways wanting to kill people for nothing. Try ******* smiling for once.
I know quite a few Muslims and most are a great laugh.Your statement is simply wrong.
LOL. At least they watch South Park. They should lighten up more
Muslims are wingy whiney wee ******. Allways wanting to kill people for nothing. Try ******* smiling for once.

I know quite a few Muslims and most are a great laugh.Your statement is simply wrong.

Exactly, its the extremist bastards giving the rest a bad name. I know a few muslims and not one of them wishes to blow themselves up in the name of Allah.
One of my best friends is a muslim.

I don't agree with some of his views on marriage and how to raise children, but he's not a terrorist.

This thread is going to transform into a racial cesspool in a few more posts.
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