Cumbersome learning


Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
Here I am, in my cumbersome way, trying to win a game.
Home game. Man. Utd. vs Swansea
I saved the game in front of the match.
Restarted it a thousand times.
Each time a different approach.

Many instructions, no instructions.
Changed tactics to very familiar tactics.
Changed mentality from Contain to Overload.
Changed Team Shape from Highly Structured to Overload, and everything in between.
14 instruction, none instructions and some instructions.
Set player to mach the position perfectly.
Edited every player with many different sets of player instructions, according to their posistion and duties.
Tweaked all set pieces options to comply with the best advices here in this forum and other places on the net.
All players at least 95% condition and 100% shaped.
Rooney do not come to shots. Memphis is more like a machinegun.
No player exchanges, or two, or one.

This is a game the game have decided me to lose.
I can beat Arsenal in one match, and lose to a table bottom team the next.
But I'm having fun .... lots of fun! :D

Is it me, or is it the game? I wonder.
Anyone else encountered a game you're doomed to lose?
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I wouldn't know as I am not 'the type' of player to save before a game and exit if it went the 'wrong' way. Although I am certain that the game would not benefit in any way shape or form in fixing any of yours or any other matches. It's most likely a flaw in your tactic(s) that Swansea's style of play exploits/makes obvious, and that Arsenal's doesn't.
You're not destined to lose games in FM. Some games will be harder to win, but it is never impossible.
Epiphany ....

... I think I had one ...

Still learning. Got the game last week. Soon to get on with som serious gaming ...
Played it a few times about twenty years ago ... Though I think the name of the game was different back then.
Championship Manager, I think.
Played Man. Utd in 24 seasons. #2 in the league. CL finalist and still in the FA cup. Got a message that the board was happy with me. Two weeks later, without losing a match, I was fired. Haven't touched since then. Still suspicious ...
Maybe I shouldn't be.
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