Custom Club In A Custom League? (Australia)


Aug 15, 2015
Reaction score
Its Been Good?

The data base I'm Using is Wiery1's, Check it out here:
To download it Look at the Last Page for advice.

Bentley Swans FC are a little club just Ten minutes from Perth's Bustling CBD. Founded in 2014 by Mahad Hu
nter, the club has entered Australian Football, at the lowest Semi professional level It can. It had been given a boost with government grants and sponsorships from Local delis, Giving it the finances it needed to be able to enter the competition. As Well As that, Mahad Hunters's Cousins (or In other words me and My brother, who's real names are not given in this save) are given contracts, but their talent seems to be at a much higher level than the club. This is the story of a man that dream and a litle club that could.

So where do I start.So far I'm at the First of October and this Is how well My club has been going.

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As you can see our finances could be better, but its good for a side that should be in the state premier division.​
(I really can't be bothered starting over)

Here's the squad​
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There is some amazing talent in this squad, and the results speak for themselves​
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I only played with the team on the cup games, the rest were instant result with the instruction to "Smash and Grab". And they did that well.

This is the main tactic I use

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And as you can see above, its done me well.

Lets have a look at the current youth set up

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Don't worry, once we reach the Youth intake it will look a whole lot better.

The Board seem to be happy with my performance so far

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and my transfers so far have been really good, giving the team an overhaul, right after it had been created.

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The most notable player of the team is by far

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having been the best player in the team and a natural playmaker. He is good.

The Brothers

Mahd and Li hirse have been doing well, both having been called up to the Australian national U19 squad. I haven't been able to give them both new contracts since we're so low in the league structure, but their contracts run until 2017 and 2019 respectively, so they'll be here for a long while.

Mahad Hirse

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Li Hirse

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If you've read Until here I applaud you for staying so far. If you want to see more, all i need is 5 likes or an answer to this thread saying you want more. All the storylines and characters in this post are all original, and if you want this save all you have to do is PM me. Thanks for reading :)

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Give Me A Sec

So its been a week since I started this thread and I've got a grand total of 1 like and 0 replies. That coupled with the fact that this thread has had an amazingly high number of views (195) is quite disheartening.

I'm at a very busy time in my life right now, with WACE coming up and a lot of assignments due, I haven't been able to touch Fm for the past week and a half. But not to worry, the next installment of this series, (part 2) will be posted near the end of next week, and because its been so late, it will be until the end of the 2014/15 season.

I hope this you all enjoy what is to come of this series and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reply to the thread or PM me. Please like, reply and favorite, and I'm out.

Yeah, Sorry

So its been a week since I started this thread and I've got a grand total of 1 like and 0 replies. That coupled with the fact that this thread has had an amazingly high number of views (195) is quite disheartening.

I'm at a very busy time in my life right now, with WACE coming up and a lot of assignments due, I haven't been able to touch Fm for the past week and a half. But not to worry, the next installment of this series, (part 2) will be posted near the end of next week, and because its been so late, it will be until the end of the 2014/15 season.

I hope this you all enjoy what is to come of this series and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reply to the thread or PM me. Please like, reply and favorite, and I'm out.


Its been awhile since I updated this. I'll continue this in FM 16 which is coming soon. Please don't blame the lack of updating on me, blame WACE, Western Australian Certificate of Education. I'm also in the process of making a new thread based on an experiment on youtube. That's all I'm going to say for now. If you want more, please like, reply and favorite, and I'm out.