
Jun 30, 2012
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So I created/modified a team to play in the EPL. The editor has them listed as English but the town they play out of is Canadian. All was fine until all my new youth recruits are Canadian and require work permits. Because they are 16 years old I can't loan them out which is largely problematic because they can't even play in the youth leagues. Anyone know what my best course of action is besides restarting with an English city attached to the team? Thanks guys. Sorry if this was a n00b mistake... been awhile since I played FM.
Would not participating in the youth league help? Strictly play a tonne of friendlies with my youth team? They'd at least be able to participate in games then but would they be penalized in their development since they're not "competitive" matches?
Add Canada to the EU, that way they still maintain Canadian nationality if thats what you want.

I've never tried this myself, set the reserve stadium in England and see if some, none or all the youth players become English or if it gives them duel nationality (just an idea)
I take it it is impossible to update this for a game in progress? I would have to restart?
To do it for a game in progress use FMRTE theres a option on there to make players EU but you would have to do this every season, better and safer to use the official editor and start afresh.
Thanks I appreciate all your replies. I'll google for FMRTE if I can't find it I'll post. Thanks.
they still maintain Canadian nationality if thats what you want.
Yes. Our National Team sucks ;). I got FMRTE and got it all to work... just have to hope that their second nationality doesn't become the nation they declare for. Thanks guys. Greatly appreciated.