Darksiders - Opinions?


Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
Has anyone purchased this game yet, and can they give me their opinion on the game, if so?

Thanks. I enjoy playing Hack&Slash games like Dynasty/Samurai Warriors, and wondering if this one is a good addition to the genre.
I just rented this game on PS3 for the week, has anybody played it yet? it got 10/10 on most gaming mags etc??
Has anyone purchased this game yet, and can they give me their opinion on the game, if so?

Thanks. I enjoy playing Hack&Slash games like Dynasty/Samurai Warriors, and wondering if this one is a good addition to the genre.

Played it at a friends, seems to have a decent gothic-esque theme and the hack and slash is good.

You should also check out Dantes Inferno, that game was pretty good when I tried it, similar kind of thing and 10 quid on amazon.
yeah, I bought Dante's Inferno as well :D going to play that next, did some research on Darksiders, the story supposedely disipates after the 1st hour or so... played for around an hour last night, was not too bad, thought the graphics would be better! and a bit more choice of weapon etc, but will see how it goes, also quite linear as well...
yeah, I bought Dante's Inferno as well :D going to play that next, did some research on Darksiders, the story supposedely disipates after the 1st hour or so... played for around an hour last night, was not too bad, thought the graphics would be better! and a bit more choice of weapon etc, but will see how it goes, also quite linear as well...

I played about an hour on so on Dante and thought it was very good. Loved the gothic/ medievil/ religous/ crusader kind of theme. Aswell with the good / evil choices on executions etc