
Jul 15, 2010
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Hey i was thinking of creating a database with Tottenham and West Ham fighting for the Olympic Stadium and possibly ending up sharing it? And also all yank owners eventually getting kicked out of their respective clubs and maybe even Pompy and the financially troubled clubs getting a cash boost?

Is it possible to do any of the below in the editor?

1- Make two clubs bidding to get ownership of the same stadium?
2- Force matches to be played in other locations due to other events like say Man U v West Ham being move to Millwall's stadium because of the IAF Athletics championships.
3- Make owners sell their clubs because of fan hate
4- Have a big team own a financially troubled team?

Thank you for your help
I have to say that numbers one and four are hardly possible to do,but then again two and three awould b a challenge.

I suggest looking to someone with experience in database editing.

I would prefer some people along the lines of Nick Man and Alcaraz.
thanks for the help how do i delete the thread?
ask in the moderator request thread and paste the link to this thread
As said by mashedpotatoes 1 and 4 is not possible and I doubt 3 is posiible too......2 is something I can look into but I doubt it,all this sounds quite complicated and I doubt there is any option to do all this in the Editor,Sorry

---------- Post added at 11:51 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 11:32 AM ----------

You have to understand that wha you are asking it to programe the whole game as such a way so that chairmen can leavye because of fan hate as their is no such thing in the Editor