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Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
i set up this thread for anyone who wants SMALL database changes if they arent familiar with the editor or just dont have it

give the infomation you want changed and ill try to do it

---------- Post added at 12:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 AM ----------

Make San Marino's(country) players current ability +20 and create San Marinese 3 players with -9 potential
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How do you know what i want and dont want. I will just ask somewhere else then
no because you don't really want that

oO) You set up a database request thread and then reject someone's request?

If you're not willing to do people's requests,then you shouldn't of made the thread in the first place
Could you please make the Premier league with the 6+5 rule? I have searched for it and I am pretty sure none already exist.
you can either upload it striaght to this site and wait for a mod to approve it, then link it to your post, or upload it on an external site like megaupload and link to it from your post. either way will work.
Lol u reject someone the dont no how 2 upload. What a epic/funny fail
Can u do a database with Chester Fc the chester city fc phoenix club in it?????? SOMEBODY PLEASE
can someone do me a request for the scottish leagues to b altered as in a little more prise money tv money ect an to make it a 2 relegation instead off the 1 gets boring wit the same team up and down and to get rid off the 3 under21 1 rule ave tryed it myself and got nowhere please thanks pm me if youll do it thanks
Could you just do me a DB where Pompey have all there debt wiped, have a sugar daddy, and are also in the championship along with Burnley and Hull where as Blackpool, West Brom and Newcastle have gone up.

Thanks, pref large DB aswell.

Contact me when your going to be doing this.
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