Defensive help

Jul 27, 2013
Reaction score
Basically I play a 4-2-3-1 and while I find myself winning my games I start throwing away comfortable leads and keeping it nervy.

When I go two goals up I tend to lower the tempo and change the team to control the game or I counter and drop deeper if I don't feel comfortable with what I have (i.e against a team that can create two goals out of thin air).

I am basically asking for a nudge in the right direction to help me keep some more clean sheets!

This is just an example of what I was talking about...
Okay I will post tactics and instructions of defenders and defence minded midfielder after my work today.

The main issue seems to be that my full back is caught out of position after I've told them to Hold Position and to mark tighter (I thought this would remedy the issue of this occurrence however it didn't).

Will having better coaches maybe help towards this being solved? Last night I had just added in a stack of new coaches as I noticed that compared to the league our coaching was one of the worst going!
We'd need the complete setup. All the players and instructions. It's no use just looking at the back 4/5.

Having better coaches will only help train the players to improve their attributes. It won't solve tactical issues.
Right Lads.

Apologies for my tardiness but please can you give me a hand? See below my tactics (I know it might not be the best.. I never played much of 15 and I'm still learning the game again)



(LB has the same instructions)



(AML same instructions as AMR)

There's everrything I think.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
set your wingers to mark the other team wingers ( fullbacks if they don't use wingers ), drop your AM to DM and let him mark the striker if he's alone or the deeper one if there is two

i always do it from the begining of the match and it helped me too much to create a solid defence
I have to ask, why on earth do you have "Look for Overlap" selected? Your wingers are on Attack duties with the fullbacks on Support. You've also asked them not to make runs forward by setting them to Hold Position, but at the same time, you've asked them again to make runs forward by selecting Look for Overlap.

How are the teams scoring their goals? A big problem might be that your 2 wingers aren't going to help out defensively, so having them specific man mark the fullbacks (as has been suggested) or dropping them down one strata will help there.
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I have to ask, why on earth do you have "Look for Overlap" selected? Your wingers are on Attack duties with the fullbacks on Support. You've also asked them not to make runs forward by setting them to Hold Position, but at the same time, you've asked them again to make runs forward by selecting Look for Overlap.

How are the teams scoring their goals? A big problem might be that your 2 wingers aren't going to help out defensively, so having them specific man mark the fullbacks (as has been suggested) or dropping them down one strata will help there.

The overlap was my assistant managers idea (Backroom advice) I realised that as I posted it and it has been removed.

Most of my goals are conceded after the full back (normally left back) loses his marker and a ball goes in the box, header, goal.

A few times the goals are conceded going straight through the keeper but I assume that's just because he's a young 22 year old keeper and he's not that great.

Sloppy passes in the midfield are another factor.
I'm assuming you are talking about your own fullbacks though? How is the winger losing them? Pace or missed tackles or... ?
I'm assuming you are talking about your own fullbacks though? How is the winger losing them? Pace or missed tackles or... ?

Yes my full back.

He normally comes inside instead of staying out wide for these runs..

The Winger marks the overlap so there is no real problem there from what I have seen.

He loses them from a bombing run that he should be covering it as I have asked him to mark him tighter. He comes out to meet him but by then it's too late and the cross is in and goal
Yes my full back.

He normally comes inside instead of staying out wide for these runs..

The Winger marks the overlap so there is no real problem there from what I have seen.

He loses them from a bombing run that he should be covering it as I have asked him to mark him tighter. He comes out to meet him but by then it's too late and the cross is in and goal
This is a known issue, but there are workarounds.

You've asked the fullback to mark tighter, but that only applies when there's someone TO tightly mark. If he gets sucked into the middle, he won't tight mark the winger. Either specific man mark him or use OI closing down on these wingers.
This is a known issue, but there are workarounds.

You've asked the fullback to mark tighter, but that only applies when there's someone TO tightly mark. If he gets sucked into the middle, he won't tight mark the winger. Either specific man mark him or use OI closing down on these wingers.

I will try specific man marking! The only way that way they should be getting round me is a missed tackle as my Full backs are absolutely rapid!

I am slightly struggling with coping with corners but I haven't done a lot to remedy that yet I am more concerned about the open play goals for now.

If there is any other suggestions please fire them in! The more help the merrier!
bro i recomend you not to let your fullbacks man mark the opposite team wingers it will create space behind them as there is no cover in wide areas

as i recomended earlier set your wingers to mark the opposite wingers ( not tight marking ), in this case when the opposite team has the ball it should be like this -your RM will mark LW and your RFB is covering
set your wingers to mark the other team wingers ( fullbacks if they don't use wingers ), drop your AM to DM and let him mark the striker if he's alone or the deeper one if there is two

i always do it from the begining of the match and it helped me too much to create a solid defence

Sorry I missed your one!

I would very much enjoy dropping my AMC to DMC however Cammy Smith (my AM) is setting the league alight with 5 goals and 15 assists! I can't just drop him after that form! I'm excited as he's only 20 so could be at it for the next 13 years (possible 5 star potential) Marking Wingers with wingers is definitely something to experiment though and it leaves me with plenty of food for thought about how much I still need to learn as that sounds really basic!

Thanks for your comment if you have any other useful pieces please let me know