Destination: The top

Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
"Congratulations, Joe! You've completed the Uefa Pro License - The final coaching qualification - you passed with flying colours." John who took me through most of the courses congratulated me. I was so excited about it all. Especially the workshop with Peter Houston discussing transfer protocols etc.

I was a 31 year old, who never made it anywhere playing the sport and I was always fascinated with the coaching. I used to help out my uncle coach the Hartlepool under 16's. When he fell ill he told me to takeover until he was able to return. . We won the under 16's league we participated in and won the Yorkshire KO cup. My uncle returned just in time for the Yorkshire KO cup final, of course I still managed the side. We beat a high-flying amateur side 3-1.

The Hartlepool boss, Neale Cooper wanted me to move up to help out the under 18's, but he'd have preferred I decided to do some of the early coaching badges first, he said the board will fund it for me.

After completing FA youth modules and a few others, Neale Cooper offered me the chance to coach the under 18's, although John disagreed he felt I should continue through the modules and gain more qualifications. So, I went with what he said. Neale said the job would always be there if I wanted it.

Now here I am, being congratulated about passing the final qualification by John, my (you could say) instructor. "Now, will you be looking to try and get into management and coaching straight away?" John enquired already knowing the answer.
"I probably will be looking to get in somewhere as soon as I can. It's just... Where would someone like me go to? What'll be my level" I asked back. See, I couldn't just apply for the Chelsea job and get it.. Or any Premier League club for that matter, or even the Championship. I wasn't sure at all to be honest.

"Well, Joe. For someone with no past playing experience, I'd say a Blue square side, or a lower league Scottish side, you know?"

"Like who? Is there any vacancies at the moment?"

"I know that Fleetwood Town are looking for someone, their manager has left on family reasons? It also looks like East Stirlingshire and Peterhead want a new man in charge."

"Right, well could we contact the board of Fleetwood Town about me becoming manager?"

"I'll give them a phone tonight, I'll keep in touch"


This is my first attempt at a proper story... I know it's pretty poor. They'll be more detail in future updates.
Mate it's actually quite good if you can combine how you do this story with how you do your liverpool story you'll have written a Great story p.s. can you please check out my story it should be on the first page of the story forum it's called every step along the way-a stoke story
I woke up with my phone ringing on the floor beside my bed, my eyes flickered open and I stretched down to pick up my phone. I pressed the phone against my ear. "Hello? What time is it?" I asked, yawning. "Joe! It's me, sorry it's so early but I told you I'd phone you early, maybe not as early as quarter to seven but I couldn't wait to tell you. You have a couple of job interviews today!" It was John! A couple of job interviews? What? I only asked if I could get one with Fleetwood, who else has he got me an interview with?

"Wait, did you say I had a couple of interviews?"

"Yes, today you are scheduled to meet with the Peterhead chairman at 12 then you are scheduled to meet with the East Stirlingshire chairman at 3 then we go across to England to meet Fleetwood's board for 7!"

"Okay, so will I get the train to Peterhead?"

"Obviously, there'll be a train from Glasgow station to Peterhead at about quarter past 8, meaning you'll be there at 11, meet me at the bar just outside the stadium yeah?"

I agreed and I got up and ready to go meet with the Peterhead chairman, I personally didn't know where I wanted to manage, here at the lower end of Scottish football, or across the border at the lower end of the English game.


I arrived at the bar just outside Balmoor Stadium, Peterhead's small stadium. I saw the small bar, I went in and there was John with another man, formally dressed.

"Hello Joe, this is Jimmy Morrison, he's Roger's brother. Roger being the Peterhead chairman of course. He's going to conduct the interview with you today because Roger is with his wife in hospital."

"Oh, right okay! That's fine. Are we speaking here or are we going to see the stadium?"
I asked, I didn't want to be interviewed in some tacky pub.

"We will be going across to the stadium, yes of course. Would you like a quick pint before going over?"
Jimmy asked politely. Although, I'd prefer to be professional and responded with a clear no and that I didn't have time to wait around I had other football related things to attend too, deciding against telling him about another job interview. He wasn't sure how to react, he just got up, put his pint glass back to the bar and told me and John to follow him across to Peterhead's small ground, Balmoor Stadium.

We went through the reception area with Jimmy smiling at the young, blond receptionist who smiled back. We went through a door that took us to a set of stairs. We went up and through a hallway, he told us to sit and wait in a boardroom. Before walking off.

"Wait a sec, John not meaning to be rude, why are you here?"
I asked, I thought I'd be one on one with the chairman, or a representative in this case.

"As your agent of course, you need me to talk up your ability which I know you have"
He responded, which I agree'd with because he's the only one that really knows how I think tactically and with management as a whole.

Jimmy came back into the room looking very professional with a briefcase which he opened and took out a document.
Jimmy"Right, so you've got your coaching badges/qualifications, yeah. Any past experience?"

Me "No, well, the Hartlepool U16's, which I won the under 16's league and the Yorkshire KO cup. I was then offered the under 18's job. Where I decided to go take the coaching badges beforehand."
John "Which of course he passed with ease"

Jimmy "Right, impressive time with the Walsall 16's, you're obviously good with youth. This is a club with ambition and potential. Are you sure you'd cope at a proper club?"

"Oh yeah, it's a challenge I'd love. I have a lot of ambition too. Peterhead is a club that we could get somewhere soon!"

Jimmy "Right, where would you see this club in, hmm 5 years?"

Me "With the financial backing we could be competing in the first division for a spot in the SPL"

We spoke a little more but that was it really, he said he'd be in touch. John just sat there listening, not doing anything really. We then had to phone the chairman of East Stirlingshire to cancel, because we wouldn't manage to make the Fleetwood interview in time because of train times.

So, me and John travelled across the border to Fleetwood, in Lancashire, and to there stadium. Highbury Stadium. A capacity of about 5k with about half of that being seated.

We were greeted by the chairman at the reception.

Andy Pilley "Hello, you're Joe MacNab correct?"

Me "Yes, I'm interested in becoming the new manager of this great club."

Andy "I know that, haha, come with me through here"

He led me through to his office and surprisingly asked John just to wait outside.

Andy "Now then, you are young, inexperienced, and no one knows you. Why should I hire you?"

Me "Well, I won the league with Hartlepool U16's and the Yorkshire KO cup. Then I was offered the 18's job, where I then decided to do all my coaching qualifications, you know?"

Andy "I know, well, John seems to think you're what we need here. He knows what he says so why should I disagree with him? Where do you see Fleetwood Town FC in the next 10 years?"

Me "The Premier League. Simple."

Andy "Well, I like your ambition. I'm taking a risk here but hmmm, I'll speak to the rest of the board, could we meet for brunch tomorrow here at 12? Meet me at the reception."

Me "Oh! Yes! Of course! Although, I nor does John have anywhere to stay?"

John "Right, I'll check you guys into the B&B across the road. I'll pay."

He walked across to the B&B with me and John, checked us in and said he'd see me again tomorrow.

I couldn't speak. I'd be discussing terms with Fleetwood Town tomorrow. A strong Blue square side. I would be managing a side!

I can't get ahead of myself though, the rest of the board could say they didn't want me at the club. Anyway, I'll find out tomorrow, I need a good sleep.

I am trying my best here. Any constructive criticism?​
I woke up early the next morning with John knocking at the door. "Joe! Joe!" He called. I responded tiredly. Got out of bed, had a quick wash and got dressed. I met John down at the front door and walked across to Highbury Stadium.

Chairman Andy Pilley was waiting at the reception like he said he would. He took me through to his office - This time giving John £20 to down to the canteen - where there was plates of food, bacon, sausages, eggs and then bowls for cereal. He offered me some, I took a couple of slices of bacon and a bowl special K then sat down on the other side of the table than him.

He picked up his phone. "Yes, Louise can you get hold of Steve please, hmm? Yes him as well. Of course. Thanks, okay". He hung up, gave a smile and picked out a sheet of paper from a pile.

"Steve and Jack will be up in a few minutes, we'll be discussing terms of your contract, should you accept, we'll have you in charge by the evening."
Wait? Did the Fleetwood Chairman just say they'll be discussing terms of my contract? Woah!

The door opened, and in walked to formally dressed middle-ages me. "Hello. Joe this is Steve and Jack. Two men that share the same ambition for the club as well as you and me" I shook Steve's and Jack's hand who both took a seat besides Andy Pilley on the other side. A bit of muffled whispering then Andy leant forward and pushed a sheet of paper across the table to me.

[TABLE="width: 500"]
[TD]Year 1[/TD]
[TD]Win the BSP[/TD]
[TD]Year 2[/TD]
[TD]Promotion from League 2[/TD]
[TD]Year 3[/TD]
[TD]Mid-half League 1 finish[/TD]
[TD]Year 4[/TD]
[TD]Promotion from League 1[/TD]
[TD]Year 5[/TD]
[TD]Avoid relegation from the Championship[/TD]
[TD]Year 6[/TD]
[TD]Top half finish[/TD]
[TD]Year 7[/TD]
[TD]Promotion from the championship[/TD]
[TD]Year 8[/TD]
[TD]Avoid relegation from the Premier League

"Premier League in 8 years? Seems possible, all comes down to financial backing from you guys?"
I asked assertively.

"They'll be backing from us of course. We're thinking we could bring you in on a two year deal, just in case it doesn't work out? On around 1k a week? Will this be okay?"

"Of course! That's more than okay. I'm happy with these terms. More than happy!"

"Brilliant. I'll unveil you to the press tonight, you can take training tomorrow morning. The training has been starting at 10:00 and normally comes to an official end at 2:00pm, the lads then go in for lunch and either go home unless you want them to stay around for whatever reason? Go tell the news to you're friends and family"

Did I really just accept the chance to manage Fleetwood Town! Never thought something like this would happen. I have to meet up with Andy at 6:00pm tonight to go over what is to be said. The press conference will start at 6:45. Meanwhile I need to work out where I will stay until I find an apartment.

I asked the nice, old, lady at the B&B if I could stay there for the next week, she said that'd be fine. The Fleetwood board said they'd fund the week at the B and B for me.

It was time to be unveiled to the press, fans and to kickstart my football management career.​
I arrived back at the stadium on time to be unveiled as new manager, Andy went over what I could say and what I couldn't say, which of course I knew all about. Then the time came, I walked out to a couple of press who gathered on the short notice. Sky sports, the non-league paper, and a couple of local papers.


Journalist "Now, you join Fleetwood without having any past managing experience, what can you bring to the table."

Me "Well first of all, I'd like to thank Andy for trusting me with this position, but I have done all my coaching qualifications. I know the game, tactically and mentally, I know every aspect of it. It's a challenge I'm ready for."

Journalist "Many people may see you as the 'cheap' choice. What's your views on that?"

Me "Of course people won't be happy with me coming in, especially without any experience, they can call me the cheap choice but come the end of the season they'll think differently."

Journalist "That brings me to the next question, what's your ambitions for this season?"

Me "Securing promotion. I'll be bringing in experienced players, young players, everything, to secure promotion to the football league."

Andy "Now, Joe MacNab has answered enough questions, thank you. He'll be available for photographs pitchside shortly, thank you"



I think I handled with the press well. I went to the pub across the road for a quick steak and chips after the interview, nothing special but I was tired and wanted to sleep and hadn't ate for quite sometime. I went in, a few faces turned to me, and a few came right up close. "Hey! Hey! You're our new manager" A Fleetwood fan, brilliant. Then they all turned to me, smiling and chanting. Although one or two weren't happy. "You're a nobody, a cheap option!" then again he was told to shut up rather quickly.

"So, you're our clubs new boss. Promotion this season then?"

"Of course, I wouldn't be here if I didn't see that as a possibility." I looked up to see Sky Sports News repeated the press conference that they had shown about an hour beforehand.

"Wait, what brings you in here?" Asked the bartender, with a low assertive voice. I told him all I needed something right to eat.

"Hot meals ends at 5, it's 8 but seeing as you're the new manager of Fleetwood Town FC I'll have a Steak and chips for you, on the house!"


After being presuaded into a pint or two with some Fleetwood fans I had to get back for a good night sleep as I would be taking training tomorrow and I had to be there early to meet with the staff and look at the facilities. Training was to start at 10, finish at 2. I'd have lunch with the lads then look ahead to transfer targets. I needed experience, I needed youth. I had a few players in mind, Marvin Andrews was without a club, as well as Patrick Suffo, who has made about 47 caps with Cameroon. So, a lot of experience. Young Jamil Adam was someone also on my radar.


Anyway, for now I need sleep.


This update was more rushed than I would have liked but meh, pre-season and transfers next.​
Getting under way

I finally arrived at the ground after running around trying to find stuff, like notepads from Tesco and a new tracksuit top from Intersport but yes I am finally here at Fleetwood's ground - which looks pretty good for a non-league side - . I went up to the young receptionist and asked for the chairman.


"Oh hello, Joe! Congratulations on becoming the new manager of Fleetwood Town FC. Unfortunately the chairman can't make it in today. Although, here's a copy of today's paper and the keys for the training facilities. You'll find Craig Madden the assistant down the hall, to the left. Down a flight of stairs then you're there! Okay? "

It was an open area, with a pool table, a dart board and a couple of leather seats surrounding a TV. I continued through feeling excited, nervous everything. There was double black doors opposite me, I slowly pushed it open and there was a sweaty brown haired man in the gym getting equipment out a cupboard, and struggling.


"Oh, Joe! Hello, I was expecting you. Our youth coaching have been put to a workshop to help improve their coaching ability. So, I've been left with getting everything ready." He wiped the sweat of his forehad and put his hand out to shake mine.

"My name's Craig, Craig Madden. I believe you're my new boss? Let me show you around." He smiled bluntly. From what I heard from John who I hadn't spoke to since I went for brunch with the chairman yesterday. Craig Madden was in for the job to, he was odds-on favourite for the job, he'd been an assistant here for about two years but he knew the club, and he knew the lower leagues, he'd been around them all his career, playing and coaching. I don't think he's to happy about me getting the job.

"Now, this is obviously the gym, most of it is old equipment, it's something though, isn't it?" He took me back through the double black doors and into the room with the pool table etc.

"This is where the lads come after training to relax unless they go home of course." So, looks like the team are quite a close-nit bunch. Hopefully. "I could get to know them this way, after training. Also, I was thinking of extending training till about 3:00 for just today, so I can get a couple of small 7 a-side games and stuff as well as proper training. Would you like to stay as well?" I asked, I was hoping he'd know I was more telling him than asking.

"Do I have a choice?" He joked with me, or I think it was a joke. Sure it was.

He showed me through the rest of the facilities. It all looked half decent and basic. We then went backthrough, to the little area with the pool table etc. Let's just call it the games room. They meet here for training at 9:30 then get changed and are ready for 10. Craig then took me through to a bare room with a desk, whiteboard and a couple of file cabinets. "This is yours". Ah, a managers office! Brilliant. "Well, in you come Craig, we have players and staff to talk about"

We sat down, I took a couple of documents out of my breifcase I bought from tesco only a few hours before. "Now; I don't have a massive knowledge of the squad, but I know for promotion this year we'll need more quality. We don't have much money either so free transfers is going to be important. Patrick Suffo, Marvin Andrews and Jamil Adam are a couple of lads old and young who can add to this side. Also Anton Kurakins and Ismael Fofana. Do you think you could contact these players in the next 24 hours for me?" I asked, as I pushed the list across the table.

"of course, I'll do my best. Can I also recommend young Stephen Stirling? He's been without a club since his contract with Stirling albion expired last season. He also trained with Rangers for 4 years before being released."
I agreed that he could be possible target.

"Good. So, can you get them all to come in this week sometime for contract discussions?"

"Of course. Now I need to go get everything ready for the youngsters then contact Steve Macaughlay about him taking the under 18's okay?"

"Well, if he isn't to important of a coach to the first team"


After looking into things it looked as if the staff here was abysmal, I'll sack a couple now, and a couple later in the week. Then I'll need to look into hiring new staff.


Feel as if I'm talking to myself here, anyone reading?​
Looking good buddy. Will keep checking in. People will read it mate, just keep going. :)
So, I had two years at Fleetwood. If all went well the contract would be extended and the money would be better.

For this to happen I'd need to make the team better.

Transfers in:

Marvin Andrews - Free - Centre back
An experienced centre back who can bring something to the club, he may not be starting but I think he can add something to this Fleetwood side.

Patrick Suffo - Free - Striker
Another experienced player, who has made a number of caps for Cameroon. Again, he may not be starting but he'll add experience and something new.

Jamil Adam - Free - Striker
Now, I'll be honest I wouldn't have signed him if I didn't know about how amazing he was at lower league sides.

Antons Kurakins - Free - Left back
Young Latvian left back, where we are short at. Hopefully he brings the goods.

Jordan Santiago - 6K - Goalkeeper
A young keeper who can give Scott Davies a bit of competition in goals

Samba Kanoute - free - Centre back/Right back
A very good young defender who will hopefully help us to promotion

Ryan Simmonds - Loan - Left midfield
A decent winger brought in from parent club, Brighton. He'll definitely be in and around the first team.

Steven Douglas - 4k - Right back
Absolute bargain, he's getting on a bit though but he's definitely a key player for us.

Gareth Evans - Free
A brilliant central defender to partner Kanoute.

Staff wise, Martin O'Connor came in as my assistant as I said good bye to Craig Madden, Craig was trying to run things himself. He then confronted me about he should have been given the job, where I immediatelly said he was going to be sacked. I also got rid of the youth coaches, that workshop they went to was obviously no help to them.


Turns out John was offered the Peterhead job, and had to travel back to Scotland asap. Altough he never contacted me afterwards. He decided to turn the job down and is continuing working with people trying to become coaches!

The pre-season went well. Losing heavily to Birmingham but giving Celtic a run for there money, and beating everyone else. Such as, Raith, Donegal Celtic and Aston Villa! We are now ready for the league to kick off against Barrow.


- Unbeaten in 6 as we sit in the play-off positions.
- Jamil Adam struggles to get going.

BSP: Barrow 0 - 1 Fleetwood

The first half was full of wasted chances from both Barrow and us, we took the lead after 47 minutes the corner came in at the near post where CB Steve McNulty got his head on it. Leaving the keeper with no chance. After already making changes in the first half due to playes taking knocks. Centre midfielfer Lee Fowler was also struggling with fitness come half time.
The second half started and we were soon down to 10 men as Marvin Andrews wiped out Barrows striker who was clean through on goal. I gave him a bollocking when he came off for being so stupid. We changed to a 3-1-4-1 for the remainder of the game. Bad to worse, Antons Kurakins became injured with 20 minutes to go, no changes left to make. We were down to nine men. Barrow were then given a penalty, which clearly wasn't. I was not happy! He cleared it over the bar. Barrow had a man sent of with 7 minutes to go. 10 v 9 for the last 5 minutes. We did manage to win the game, pulling off a 1-0 win giving us a nice 3 points to kick the league off!

Antons Kurakins & Peter Cavanagh to key players for us were to be out for the next 5 weeks.

BSP: Fleetwood 0 - 0 Gateshead

We won a penalty in the 85th minute ann our CB came up to take it, and cracked it off the bar!
We drew 0-0, we just didn't think. Wasted everything. ****** ****!

BSP: Alferton 1 - 1 Fleetwood

We went 1-0 down early on from a scrap after a corner. Since then we never got into it.
We started picking our game up in the second half and equalising with 15 minutes to go with a thunderous volley from Jamie McGuire. Sadly we couldn't get the 3 points, but maintain an unbeaten run.

BSP: Fleetwood 1 - 1 Forest Green

We conceded late in the first half, allowing them to have the goal advantage in the second. A scrappy goal, once again. Not good.The equaliser came from a head from our left back which saw Magno Veira there to smash it into the top corner. Another 1-1 draw, not good enough!

BSP: Stockport 1 - 3 Fleetwood

We went one down simply because of poorly defending a free kick. This time we equalised in the first half, with Jamie Vardy rocketing a shot in form the edge of the box and then added just before half time. A hard ball across the box from Vardy found Simmonds who finish coolly. We were awared a penalty late on in the game, and Patrick Suffo managed to smash it into the top corner, getting his first goal for the club.

BSP: Fleetwood 4 - 1 Lincoln
Gareth Evans (1)
Magno Vieira (2)
Jamie Vardy (1)

Player of the month


Jamie Vardy - Two goals - Two assists
I hold much respect to you and others who put so much time and effort into their story - it takes me 5-10min to post an update on mine so god knows how long it takes you to do yours!
Looking very good! I see that you beat Raith in Pre season- My local team!
After weeks at the B&B across the road, I was finally moving into my own place. It was just a little appartment and all but I had my own space. It had one bedroom, one bath room and a living room/kitchen as one. It'll do for now! The fans in the pub across the road also welcomed me there some nights when I'd go there for tea which was nice. Knowing the fans accepted me, this stranger to there club.


- A poor month for Joe's Fleetwood side as they fall to 12th in the league
- Jamil Adam breaks goal drought
- Tactical gamble from Joe fails to pay off

BSP: Grimsby 3 - 0 Fleetwood

****** useless! Just useless. No chance of promotion if we play like that.

BSP: Fleetwood 2 - 1 Mansfield
Magno Vieira (1)
Edwards (1)
Came back form 1-0 to win. Not bad, an absolute cracker from Edwards too!


BSP: Fleetwood 0 - 1 Wrexham

Unwatchable, just absolute pish! They can't string 2 passes together! Shambles. We had about 7 shots in the last ten minutes, skying them all, hitting then somehow over or somehow wide. How? And the amount of times Vardy put a great ball across goal, no one was attacking it!

I needed to change tactics. I needed to do it fast. I decided to go with a 4-5-1 with a defensive midfielder and two attacking wingers. I'd play Jamil Adam up top on his own. Bringing Vieira back to the right and playing Vardy on the left. Hopefully things will start changing. The next problem is players need a rest, with only two days of training before a massive game against Ebbsfleet I had to sacrifice one to give the lads a rest. These congested fixtures are not good!

BSP: Ebbsfleet 5 - 1 Fleetwood

I watched on with my new tactic in place hoping for some miracle and a victory. Although they went up, making it look easy. ****** ****! We managed to press well after conceding and equalised through Jamil Adam after 20 minutes. Hopefully that's enough for him to go and score 50 odd foals for me this season. They went 2-1 up, a ball across the box and someone on the end of it. We hand loads of balls across the box where no one was to be seen at the other end! They then went 3-1 up. Keeper came out, my defender tackled their attacked and it fell perfectly to West. Slotted it home. Ten minutes later, the exact same ****** happened! 4-1 down! They were given a penalty late on and scored.


Everyone's morale was down, they weren't performing, nothing was going right. How were we going to gain promotion?

"Now, Mr MacNab, we have not been performing well at all recently have we?"

"Not at all, Andy. I'm sure if you give me time we'll start performing again."

"Remember the vision for this club, Joe? If you can't give us what we want I'm sure someone else will! so results MUST improve!"

"I know, I know! I'm trying, sir"

"Now, get out and go sort my team out!" He screamed, spitting towards me. He wants his 8 year plan to happen now, not next season or the season after, now. If I get sacked here, I may not have another oppurtunity, anywhere! I need to do something. Next in the league we're playing struggling Southport, 3 points would be needed. If we lose I think I'll be sacked!


"Right! Come on lads, I'm expecting you to win, not just for me but for yourselves and for the fans that pay money to watch you! Okay? No f*cking about, no dilly-dallying! We need three points today. COME ON!"

BSP: Southport 1 - 2 Fleetwood Town

We went 1-0 early with a nice finish from Magno Vieira who was chosen to play as the lone striker ahead of Irish Jamil Adam. We made it 2-0 with a low cross across the box for Magno Vieira to get on the end of, something we don't normally see ;). Southport were right back in it with 20 minutes to go, a silly scrap in the box after the keeper spilled it found it's way in the back of the net. Then Kanoute came of with an injury, no subs left to make and Vieira becomes injured! So, we went 4-1-4-0 with no striker, Hey! Spain can do it? Why can't we?

Disaster strikes as Magno Vieira is out for around 3 months! Time for Jamil Adam to show me what he's worth!


"Give Jamil time, and he will score" those words ringed inside my ear, the assistant continued to tell me.

"Well, he'll be getting time now, we have no other real striker who can play 90 minutes without needed an oxygen mask! Patrick's ****** ancient!"

"Remember boss, we have Richard Brodie in on loan?"

"I know, but he's not doing good in training and he leaves at 2:00 afterwards. Instead of staying around with the lads. He's not happy here"

BSP: Fleetwood 1 - 2 AFC Telford

We went 1-0 down within 90 seconds, passed it right through us! 10 minutes in and Jamil Adam was injured. ****** brilliant. Telford were brought down to ten men late in the second half too after they had a man rightly sent off. An hour into the game then I was down to ten! The guy didn't even get touched! Urgh. Then they went 2-0 up. We pulled one back through an own goal from them! The corner came in and McNulty sliced it off there defender and it went in.

We needed to win and just couldn't do it! Jamil Adam was now set to be out for around 2 months!


"Hello, is this a Mr. Joe MacNab?" I struggled to understand the Spanish accent.

"It is, who's speaking?" I replied.

"It's Pablo Counago, I'm a striker, with no a emmm club. I like to join you" He spoke good enough English, just a low thick accent.

"Oh yes, I believe I've heard of you. Bringing you in to this club may not be a bad idea, we're without a good man to play up top. Would you like to come in tomorrow to speak about your contract?"

"That be good. I fly in overnight. Speak tomorrow, senior"

Well, that was something different!

He came in the very early the following morning looking tired, but ready to discuss his contract. We agree'd on his wages and bonuses. I then invited him to training that day. He performed well, after training he joined the lads in the 'games room' and got on with them well.

"Mr MacNab, I'd like to sign a contract with this club, please?"

"Of course! Come on through, here" I invited him into my little office and passed him over the contract.


He was unveiled to the press that night and put in the starting 11 the following day to play Braintree..


BSP: Braintree 2 - 4 Fleetwood
Counago (2)
Till (2)
Once again, we went 1-0 down. A silly peice of defending, but managed to equalise very shortly after through new signing, Pablo Counago! We made it 2-1 just before half time with Till smashing it home. Counago converted a penalty after the our mark to make it three, One! They then pulled one back with 15 minutes to go.. Both keepers were forced into making brilliant saves but eventually Till sealed the victory.

A brilliant performance, could have defended better but 3 points nonetheless.

Player of the month:


Gareth Evans - 1 Goal - 0 Assists
Played well at centre back, consistent and always alive.



- A better month for Fleetwood but they still struggle to break into the top 5
- They beat Stockport to see them through to the first round of the FA Cup where they'll host Carlisle.
- MacNabs job still hangs in the balance

Next up in the league was Luton, a team in a similar position to us. They're looking for promotion but are sitting about tenth. Although, they've sacked there manager. This is going to be a highly difficult game. Three points, is a must. I also risked dropping Davies and bringing in Santiago in the net. Come on Fleetwood!

BSP: Fleetwood 4 - 4 Luton
Counago (2)
Till (1)
Vardy (1)

We took the lead within about ten minutes, a brilliant ball played through from Cavanagh seen Counago through on goal, he finished coolly. Luton were back in it shortly after it though. A brilliant free kick from Keane. Milligan's shot was deflected into the path of Till who made it 2-1 to Fleetwood! It only took them a few more minutes before making it 3-1, Vardy scoring his third goal of the season.
Luton hit right back with a goal scored from a corner, the goal -funnily enough- coming from Stuart Fleetwood. The first half got even better when Counago doubled his tally. A ball was played a cross to the front post and he smashed it in past the keeper.
Luton got right back in it at the start of the second half with a goal from Morgan-Smith. I started to notice Luton really press us, keeping this lead may be difficult. We won a penalty late on after somehow managing to keep out Luton for about 40 minutes, Milligan managed to hit the post. Then after all that brilliant defending, the referee gives a ridiculous penalty to them. They scored in the 92nd minute!

I cannot believe we didn't manage to hold onto that lead. On my way out of the stadium, I bumped into chairman Andy Pilley.

"Remember, these results must improve! You promised me and the fans promotion!" So aggressive!

"I know, we should have had the three points tonight but the ref f*cked us about."

"SHOULD HAVE BUT DIDN'T, JOE!" He screamed as he slammed the door of his land rover. I got into my taxi and went home.

I checked my phone for messages, I had one. From John.

"Hey joe notice ur struggling in the league, hope they stick with u, u have potential. stay in touch"

Good to know John's keeping track of how I was doing! Hopefully he'll help me back into managment if I do get the boot here. Which I'm surprised hasn't happened yet. Andy seems to hate me!


BSP: Darlington 0 - 4 Fleetwood
Counago (3(1 pen))
Milligan (1)

A brilliant 4-0 victory! Counago has been brilliant, 7 in 3! Hopefully he can keep it up.

BSP: Fleetwood 2 - 1 Tamworth
Kanoute (2)

Counago had a shocker! He wasted chance after chance, very unusual! We're equal on points with 5th now, so we just need to continue winning.

BSP: Newport County 1 - 0 Fleetwood

Went 1-0 down so stupidly! A pass across the back was intercepted, and he scored.

We never got into the game, Counago again performed poorly. We were on the backfoot for the majority of 90 minutes and never had a spell of dominance!

We're still equal on points with 5th. We stayed at home to play Hayes and Yeading in our following league game, a massive game as there sitting in 4th!

BSP: Fleetwood 0 - 1 Hayes and Yeading

Then there was ten, then they scored from the free kick! With ten minutes to go. Having to say it again, Counago should have done more.

I woke up early before the game and grabbed the local paper from the newsagents across the road as I made my way to our ground.

The back page read: MacNab needs win

'If Fleetwood manager gets knocked out of the FA Cup and this early stage, it is said that he'll be getting the sack. Ex-assistant manager Craig Madden and ex-manager Micky Mellor -who left due to family reasons- are both set to return to guide the team back to promotion according to a Fleetwood board member.'

Wait? What? I went straight to Andy Philley's office. I threw the paper on his desk. "What's this?". He seemed shock, but just laughed "Not paying attention to silly back-pages are you?"

"I just want answers, I'd like to know if my job is safe."

"You're job'll be safe if you get results."


FA Cup fourth qualifying round:
Fleetwood 3 - 1 Stockport
Counago (3(1pen))

A good win, just need to do it in the league!

We were drawn against League 1 side, Carlisle. A cup upset on the cards?

Fleetwood's player of the month:

Ryan Simmonds - 3 assists - 0 goals

The left winger was most consistent and was a constant threat to opposition defenders with his speed and dribbling ability.
- The Trawlerman crash out of the FA Cup
- Bad form hits Fleetwood and MacNab hard
- Is promotion a distant cry?


BSP: Fleetwood (10th) 1 - 2 Kidderminster (6th)
McNulty (1)

4 points from 5th, we need to pick up a couple of victories.

BSP: York (12th) 2 - 2 Fleetwood (11th)
Adam returns from injury but is only on the bench.
Counago (2)

A good run in the cup would be fine, changing to a 4-3-3 to see how it goes.

FA Cup 1st round:
Fleetwood 0 - 5 Carlisle

They made it look far to easy! The 4-3-3 was disastrous.

BSP: Fleetwood (12th) 0 - 2 Cambridge (17th)
Magno Vieira was returning to full fitness but found himself on the bench due to match fitness
Everything began to crumble. Another defeat. I let everything out, all the anger everything when the players came in at full time. We fell to 14th, a heavy 7 points from 5th. To add to it, our only real decent central midfielder Jamie Milligan would be out for 3 months

BSP: Kettering (23rd) 1 - 1 (14th) Fleetwood
Counago (1)

Again, we never looked like winning. 5th was a long 6 points away.

BSP: Fleetwood (14) 0 - 1 (19th) Bath

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.


I was called into the board room by Andy after training the following day. He was sat there along with the other two board members.

"Now, as you can understand we are not happy with your recent performances in the league."

"I can understand from your recent outbursts towards me about the clubs recent form." Andy just kind of laughed and shrugged of the funny looks he got from the other two members of the board.

"The clubs finances are also in tatters. We're a couple of hundred thousand in the red. Promotion was needed. Although, we have to hit form soon and maybe it isn't over?"

"9 points is hard to claw back. I'll do my best" I joked, stood up and walked out.

It was a weird sort of meeting, as if he was starting to believe in me again. If we hit form we could get promotion. I don't know, would it be possible? We'll see.


BSP: Fleetwood (15th) 4 - 0 (19th) Barrow

A fine win, something we're not used too! Haha. We didn't play extraordinary though. Hopefully we can hit good form.

Fleetwood's player of the month:


Pablo Counago - 4 goals - 2 assists

The striker scored a few goals and was the only one of the Fleetwood players that stood out during the tough month.
Goodbye Highbury...
Goodbye Fleetwood

FA Vase Trophy first round:
Barrow 1 - 2 Fleetwood

Magno Vieira (1)
Vardy (1)

A nice victory, played pretty well.

BSP: Alfreton (16th) 2 - 5 (15th) Fleetwood

Good victory! Dominated throughout. 6 points from 5th.

BSP: Gateshead (2nd) 2 - 0 (11th) Fleetwood

Daargh! A long 7 points from 5th now! There keeper made some brilliant saves, somehow!

BSP: Forest Green (9th) 3 - 2 (14th) Fleetwood

I was speechless, just getting beat here there and everywhere


On my way out, the receptionist stopped me and said the owner would like to see me in his office.

This was it, I was going to get the sack. I pushed his office door and this two other board members and him were sat there.


"Mr MacNab, another defeat puts us 9 points from any chance of a play-off spot. WHAT HAS HAPPENED?" He screamed, the table vibrating. "I'm sorry, sir. The results haven't gone our way nor the way I'd have liked" I responded, feeling small and out of place."You know what, it's not the way I'd have liked. NOT THE WAY WE'D HAVE LIKED" I had grown used to these outbursts from Andy. "Look, Joe. We feel that you are not the man to lead this club forward. We thank you for what you've attempted at this club and would like to wish you luck in your future endevours." The short fat board men -Steven- said politely. "I understand, Steve. Thanks for the chance to manage this clubs. I'll get my stuff and also I'll have my legal time negotiate my release clause?" I shook Steve and Rob's hand, nodded at Andy and walked out.


****! Been here about 6 months and I'll need to leave again. I'll move back to Scotland, see my Mum and Dad. First of all I'd get hold of John to get me right back into managment, which'll be tough.

"Hello, John? mmhmm. I've been given the boot. I need a job. Management!"
"Yeah? Well, get in touch with them and see if they'd have an interest in me becoming there manager"

Ebbsfleet and Peterhead.
Peterhead, top of the third division in Scotland. Jim McInally left to manage struggling division 2 side, Dumbarton. Ebbsfleet boss, resigned and retired due to family reasons.

I'd be hearing back from John soon. Hopefully.



Goodbye Highbury...
Goodbye Fleetwood

Nooo :( willyou continue the story with another club?? This is great writing btw mate
Landing on my feet

The following morning my sacking was confirmed and the buzzer to my appartment was going off quite a bit. I decided I'd go down and investigate. It was the press!

"Joe, what's your thoughts on being sacked?"

"Well, obviously I'm not happy but when results don't go your way what'd you expect?" Some witty spectator in the background came out with 'To be sacked' and somehow had everyone in stitches.

"Are you looking to get straight back into management?"

"Definitely. I'm looking for a club to go for. Of course. Anyway, I've got a train to catch. I'll have to go"

I pushed through the crowd and made way for the train. I put in my letter to the council telling them i'd be leaving so they could start showing people my appartment. Back to Scotland I go!


I arrived back at my Mum's and Dad's in Glasgow, Scotland. John was there, and another man.

"Hello, Joe! I'm Roger Morrison. Peterhead chairman."

"Oh! Hello, sir! What brings you to my Mum and Dad's house?" I enquired."Well, John told us you'd be interested in being the man to lead us to the second division? We'd like to discuss terms." Woah. I'd been out of management for a day and now I was about to maybe become Peterhead's chairman.

"Right! Thank you for for coming from Peterhead to meet me. Well, what have you got for me?"

"Of course this will be a step down in both quality and money than with Fleetwood. We could offer you a transfer budget of 15k, wage budget of about 5k and a weekly wage of £500. Till the let's say end of the season?" end of the season? Not a chance.

"How about a a two and a half year deal? What would the club ambition be?"

"Oh, a longer term deal? That'll be fine. Okay. Well, as a club of our level... Staying a club is most important. Promotion this year, avoid relegation next." Not much ambition here, oh well I'll take them to new heights. I extended my hand and that was it. I was Peterheads new manager.

"Brilliant, I also believe we were in talks at the beggining of the season?"

"Yes, with your brother I think?" We continued speaking and I introduced them to my Mum and Dad who sat in the sitting room throughout the talks. I was to be unveiled to the press the following morning.


Journalist: Welcome back to Scotland, how do you feel to be brought back into the game as quick as this?

Me: I'm happy, my time at Fleetwood was a time to forget. I now have a good chance to prove myself as a manager.

Journalist: Peterhead are sitting in a comfortable position, 5 points of second. Do you think you can maintain form and win the title?

Me: We shouldn't be throwing away this 5 point advantage. I think we could yes, it's a realistic goal for the club.

Journalist: You join during the transfer window. What can we expect from you?

Me: I've only just got here, haha. I'm not sure.

PR: That's enough questions for now, Joe will be available down at pitchside for photo's.



Club Name:
Peterhead FC

The Blue Toon




Balmoor Stadium



Balmoor stadium