Dinamo Zagreb, only for Croatian :D

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marko8
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Jun 25, 2010
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Pozdrav svimaa, znači igram naravno s dinamom i trenutno sam u sezoni 2014/2015 i ide mi jako dobro, zasad sam sve godine osvajao naslove prvaka.
u 2011g. sam doveo neymara za 12mil i nakon samo dvije sezone i puno zabijenih golova, prodao sam ga u marseille za 14mil. i doveo novog vrhunskog napadača Lukaku ;)
evo postave :D
GK - Denis Krklec
DR - Domagoj Vida
DL - Luis Ibanez
DC - Matej Bagarić
DC - Tomislav Barbarić
MC - Sergio Canales
MC - Milan Badelj
MC - Georginio Wijnaldum
AML - Sammir
AMR - Ivan Tomečak
ST - Romelu Lukaku
Zamjene: sasa dreven, franko andrijasevic, andrej kramaric, adrian calello, igor kurtovic, domagoj antolic i frederic gallo
u ligi prvaka sam najdalje dosao do četvrtfinala i to je bilo ja mislim 2012godine, veliki uspjeh :D
oprostite sta tako samo pisem a ne objavljujem slike da to sve dokazem, jer sam malo zaostao za tim i neznam kak se to stavlja, al eto samo sam htio pokazat svoju momcad i ako ima pitanja samo pitajte ;)
[COLOR=White said:
Marko8;554899]Pozdrav svimaa, znači igram naravno s dinamom i trenutno sam u sezoni 2014/2015 i ide mi jako dobro, zasad sam sve godine osvajao naslove prvaka.
u 2011g. sam doveo neymara za 12mil i nakon samo dvije sezone i puno zabijenih golova, prodao sam ga u marseille za 14mil. i doveo novog vrhunskog napadača Lukaku ;)
evo postave :D
GK - Denis Krklec
DR - Domagoj Vida
DL - Luis Ibanez
DC - Matej Bagarić
DC - Tomislav Barbarić
MC - Sergio Canales
MC - Milan Badelj
MC - Georginio Wijnaldum
AML - Sammir
AMR - Ivan Tomečak
ST - Romelu Lukaku
Zamjene: sasa dreven, franko andrijasevic, andrej kramaric, adrian calello, igor kurtovic, domagoj antolic i frederic gallo
u ligi prvaka sam najdalje dosao do četvrtfinala i to je bilo ja mislim 2012godine, veliki uspjeh :D
oprostite sta tako samo pisem a ne objavljujem slike da to sve dokazem, jer sam malo zaostao za tim i neznam kak se to stavlja, al eto samo sam htio pokazat svoju momcad i ako ima pitanja samo pitajte[/COLOR] ;)
now thats a bit racist.... :O
Now when you didn't make it to the WC 2010 you think you can post Croatian threads on English forum oO)

P.S.: And yes I am Slovenian
Pozdrav svimaa, znači igram naravno s dinamom i trenutno sam u sezoni 2014/2015 i ide mi jako dobro, zasad sam sve godine osvajao naslove prvaka.
u 2011g. sam doveo neymara za 12mil i nakon samo dvije sezone i puno zabijenih golova, prodao sam ga u marseille za 14mil. i doveo novog vrhunskog napadača Lukaku ;)
evo postave :D
GK - Denis Krklec
DR - Domagoj Vida
DL - Luis Ibanez
DC - Matej Bagarić
DC - Tomislav Barbarić
MC - Sergio Canales
MC - Milan Badelj
MC - Georginio Wijnaldum
AML - Sammir
AMR - Ivan Tomečak
ST - Romelu Lukaku
Zamjene: sasa dreven, franko andrijasevic, andrej kramaric, adrian calello, igor kurtovic, domagoj antolic i frederic gallo
u ligi prvaka sam najdalje dosao do četvrtfinala i to je bilo ja mislim 2012godine, veliki uspjeh :D
oprostite sta tako samo pisem a ne objavljujem slike da to sve dokazem, jer sam malo zaostao za tim i neznam kak se to stavlja, al eto samo sam htio pokazat svoju momcad i ako ima pitanja samo pitajte ;)

Give my regards to svimaa znaÄŤi playing of course with dynamometer plus currently unattended into a high season 2014/2015 plus is going we tightly well-being , lay in unattended whole year wins title champion.

into a 2011g. unattended doveo neymara for 12mil plus afterwards merely duplex high season plus a lot zabijenih bare-necked person , sales unattended ga into a Marseilles for 14mil. plus doveo learner vrhunskog of attack Haven ;)

evo setup :D

GK - Denis Krklec
DR - Domagoj Vida
DL - Luis Ibanez
DC - Matej Bagarić
DC - Tomislav Barbarić
MC - Sergio Canales
MC - Milan Badelj
MC - Georginio Wijnaldum
AML - Sammir
AMR - Ivan Tomečak
ST - Romelu Lukaku

nterchange sassafras venerable , free on board andrijasevic , Andre petty merchandise adrian calello igor kurtovic , home antolic plus Frederick gallou ligi champion unattended furthest yet up to ÄŤetvrtfinala plus this has been I thinker 2012godine, large success :D

pardon me sta so that merely pisem and does not objavljujem imagery yes we do this whole witness , because unattended few lingering for Tim plus neznam kak does this by putting , Al eto merely unattended htio index features momcad plus if there is pie merely pie ;)

According to my translator, you're mentally unstable.
Give my regards to svimaa znaÄŤi playing of course with dynamometer plus currently unattended into a high season 2014/2015 plus is going we tightly well-being , lay in unattended whole year wins title champion.

into a 2011g. unattended doveo neymara for 12mil plus afterwards merely duplex high season plus a lot zabijenih bare-necked person , sales unattended ga into a Marseilles for 14mil. plus doveo learner vrhunskog of attack Haven ;)

evo setup :D

GK - Denis Krklec
DR - Domagoj Vida
DL - Luis Ibanez
DC - Matej Bagarić
DC - Tomislav Barbarić
MC - Sergio Canales
MC - Milan Badelj
MC - Georginio Wijnaldum
AML - Sammir
AMR - Ivan Tomečak
ST - Romelu Lukaku

nterchange sassafras venerable , free on board andrijasevic , Andre petty merchandise adrian calello igor kurtovic , home antolic plus Frederick gallou ligi champion unattended furthest yet up to ÄŤetvrtfinala plus this has been I thinker 2012godine, large success :D

pardon me sta so that merely pisem and does not objavljujem imagery yes we do this whole witness , because unattended few lingering for Tim plus neznam kak does this by putting , Al eto merely unattended htio index features momcad plus if there is pie merely pie ;)

According to my translator, you're mentally unstable.

What a translation :)

And it's even more funnier becaouse i understand the OP
Best Translation Possible:

Hello svimaa, of course, means I play with Dinamo and currently I'm in season 2014/2015, and we go very well, so far I've won all the titles.
at 2011g. I brought neymara for 12mil and after only two seasons and driven a lot of goals, he sold it in Marseille for 14mil. and brought a new top striker Lukaku
Here's set
GK - Denis Krklec
DR - Domagoj Vida
DL - Luis Ibanez
DC - Matej Bagaric
DC - Tomislav Barbaric
MC - Sergio Canales
MC - Milan Badelj
MC - Georginio Wijnaldum
AML - Sammir
AMR - Ivan Tomečak
ST - Romel Lukaku
Subs: sasa Dřevěná, ex Andrijasevic, Andrei Kramaric Adrian Calella, Igor kurtovic, Domagoj Antolić and Frederic Gallo
Champions League furthest I came to the quarterfinals and it was I think 2012 years, a great success
excuse what so just write and not publish the pictures to prove it all, because I'm a little depressed for the team and I do not know how it is to put, here I just wanted to show your team if you have questions just ask
Best Translation Possible:

Hello svimaa, of course, means I play with Dinamo and currently I'm in season 2014/2015, and we go very well, so far I've won all the titles.
at 2011g. I brought neymara for 12mil and after only two seasons and driven a lot of goals, he sold it in Marseille for 14mil. and brought a new top striker Lukaku
Here's set
GK - Denis Krklec
DR - Domagoj Vida
DL - Luis Ibanez
DC - Matej Bagaric
DC - Tomislav Barbaric
MC - Sergio Canales
MC - Milan Badelj
MC - Georginio Wijnaldum
AML - Sammir
AMR - Ivan Tomečak
ST - Romel Lukaku
Subs: sasa Dřevěná, ex Andrijasevic, Andrei Kramaric Adrian Calella, Igor kurtovic, Domagoj Antolić and Frederic Gallo
Champions League furthest I came to the quarterfinals and it was I think 2012 years, a great success
excuse what so just write and not publish the pictures to prove it all, because I'm a little depressed for the team and I do not know how it is to put, here I just wanted to show your team if you have questions just ask


I still prefer my translation... :'(

But in all seriousness, why did the OP not just post this in English? Judging by his title and the fact the positions seem to still be in English (AM=Attacking Mid, whereas in Croatian I would expect them to have a word for Attacking and one or two for Midfield). If not, due to this being an English speaking site, a translator could've helped.
sorry guys, i can write english but it will be many mistakes and because i play with dinamo, i mean to talk to the other people who plays with same club ;)
LGFIRE - tnx, this is good translation :)
and ROK, haha, i only can say that :D
sorry guys, i can write english but it will be many mistakes and because i play with dinamo, i mean to talk to the other people who plays with same club ;)
LGFIRE - tnx, this is good translation :)
and ROK, haha, i only can say that :D

Sall good, broken English works fine too, we've had a lot of it recently and some of us are now able to read it fluently.

I personally haven't played as Dinamo before, but I HAVE bought Lukaku before and he did fairly well.
Doesn't mean foreign members aren't welcome..oO)

Of course not but English is a global language and we have a half dozen regular Croatian members, who wouldn't bother posting if they didn't speak English.

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