Discussion threads- suggestions ?!!


Patient Moderator
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
As the tiltle says, what discussion threads would you like to see here in the tactic and training forum ?As it is now, we do have very few active,Lets brainstorm, meaning that you come up with an idea and tell us how and why it should be a topic, without anyone questioning of it. When enough ideas have come up, lets have a discussion around how to implement them

Examples of subjects
  • Shouts - How and when to implement them
  • Traning - when to focus on individuall setups
  • Shut up shop - When is the best time to do it and when it will backfire
  • Plug & play vs All TC tactics- How to make an inbetween tactic
  • Consctructing a solild defence using The pure TC settings

How are you willing to contribute?

When making these suggestions, dont forget to declear if you wish to make the opening post

Lets be creative !
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I have a few:

1. A tutorial of sorts detailing the steps in making a tactic to suit the team or style of play (Eg: Player roles/duties and team instructions + strategy etc.)

2. Tips on how to read the game/ME, when to make changes and why.

Just my thoughts :)

Thanks Shiraz

Again, keep it coming and remember, its discussion threads with a short OP, not guides
Do you remember the amateur tacticians chalkboard from fm 2011? something like that would be cool, I still find that thread helpful.

I guess your talking about more specific guides though so maybe more about player roles and how to get get them to work together within a tactic.

Also some more guides on how to use the sliders, how they work and how to use them effectively (or to get the effect you want).
Do you remember the amateur tacticians chalkboard from fm 2011? something like that would be cool, I still find that thread helpful.

I guess your talking about more specific guides though so maybe more about player roles and how to get get them to work together within a tactic.

Also some more guides on how to use the sliders, how they work and how to use them effectively (or to get the effect you want).

No. I am not talking about guides at all, but threads where the common user can discuss a subject, without an indepth opening post. The OP could or rather should be a short message rather than a guide with assumptions and descriptions etc, just a " what do you do, how do you see it and this is how I do it " :D
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I think there is already a guide explaining what the ppm's mean but not how they fit with different attributes specific to a player and implementing them best in a game. I know it's mostly self explanatory but I'm finding ppm's negate a lot of your set instructions and it's quite hard to over ride them. Also, Which specific trainer would be best to train specific ppm's ie. Is it best to use a technical or attacking coach for a passing ppm. I'm not sure if I've explained that that well but opefully it makes sense :p
Again, its about brainstorming about discussion treads :D, not guides or saying they exists etc

( sorry Dave, not having a go at you :D )
No worries, betterhalf. I think I might be a bit confused on what you're asking for lol But I feel a ppm thread would be useful...is that the sorta thing you're asking for?
No worries, betterhalf. I think I might be a bit confused on what you're asking for lol But I feel a ppm thread would be useful...is that the sorta thing you're asking for?

My bad, I have edited the OP so its clearer :D

Yes, indead, if you want somebody to start a thread where we can tell each other how we use them, then thats a subject. If telling HOW to use use them and WHAT they mean, then its a guide ( and a different story)
oohhhh okie dokie. Sorry I got mixed up the first time :p I think it's great the mods are taking an interest in what us little guys think...this site has been a ife saver where this game is concerned :)
Now I understand lol Sorry for posting about it again. I'd like a discussion thread on ppm's people find work best in what positions :)
No. I am not talking about guides at all, but threads where the common user can discuss a subject, without an indepth opening post. The OP could or rather should be a short message rather than a guide with assumptions and descriptions etc, just a " what do you do, how do you see it and this is how I do it " :D

Oh, ok sorry.

I would still like to see a couple of the subjects I mentioned in my post discussed as I would like to understand how the changes to player roles that I make actually effect the game, also a discussion on defences as thats something I struggle to set up and would like to read any advice people have to give about what makes their defences work well.
Now I understand lol Sorry for posting about it again. I'd like a discussion thread on ppm's people find work best in what positions :)

PPMs is an interesting area. While ive written a guide on it, it doesnt completely cover the intricate nature of them. Its not necessarily as simple as give this player a PPM (though in my guide i try to outline good scenarios). PPMs are incredibly powerful, and also highly contextual ie if you are looking for a central mid to spray passes all over the pitch in your tactic, a world class central mid with "plays short simple passes" is useless. So on that point a dicussion thread could be useful. " I am looking to play such and such a way, what kind of PPM's would i want certain players to have, or not to have. Getting your player to learn a bunch of PPMs for the sake of it is always a bad idea.

And then there is the dicussion of how a PPM works in the first place, in relation to player instructions
PPMs is an interesting area. While ive written a guide on it, it doesnt completely cover the intricate nature of them. Its not necessarily as simple as give this player a PPM (though in my guide i try to outline good scenarios). PPMs are incredibly powerful, and also highly contextual ie if you are looking for a central mid to spray passes all over the pitch in your tactic, a world class central mid with "plays short simple passes" is useless. So on that point a dicussion thread could be useful. " I am looking to play such and such a way, what kind of PPM's would i want certain players to have, or not to have. Getting your player to learn a bunch of PPMs for the sake of it is always a bad idea.

And then there is the dicussion of how a PPM works in the first place, in relation to player instructions

Would you mind to start it up Mike ?
Great, I take that as a "YES"

Haha, yes I will do something tomorrow. Need to read over my guide and take anything useful from there fist, also Manchester United losing the title in the last 30 seconds has utterly drained me.
Haha, yes I will do something tomorrow. Need to read over my guide and take anything useful from there fist, also Manchester United losing the title in the last 30 seconds has utterly drained me.

HAHA. My husband supports city and he was all over the walls :D
Thanks BetterHalf/Mike. I feel ppm's are more influential than ever in this series :)