Do players develop faster/ slower per games?


Aug 13, 2011
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Will players develop faster if they play in a lot of games in a season?

If I changed a teams schedule to play more games would players develop faster?

likewise if I decided to schedule fewer games in a season would players develop slower?

i was considering editing my schedule by either adding another competition or just removing a competition and I was wondering if that would affect development time.

Anyone know?
Yes, playing more games aids development. However you have to be wary of fixture congestion and the so called burn-out of younger players. The more games you play the better but sometimes towards the end of the season the player if young may need periods of respite. What I like to do is dip them in and out of the starting line up. This keeps them progressing nicely, gives a good mix of experience and youngsters and more often than not helps significantly with their development.

The best example is Sterling in his first proper season as a starting regular. He was electric and was carving teams opening with direct running and pace. However by the end of the season looked a bit lacklustre and had to have some time off. Thats what you want to avoid if possible.
And training workload is too important if you play a lot of games. If their workload is high or very high they won't come fit so easily so at the same time don't over train them or they will burn out faster
Yes, I know that for sure if a player plays a lot of matches in a season then he develops faster
So it is important for young players to play in alot of games, but they need to be playing at the right level, if you are a Premier League team and you have a youth player who is only good enough for league 2 and you try to play him in every game, he is likely to be very much out of his depth. If this is the case then he will get poor average ratings and his morale will be low. This is not good for the development of any young players, its very important they are playing in games where they are not out of their depth and where they can try and have high morale alot of the time. A good tip if you loan out players is to loan them to clubs who are doing well in the leagues. More wins will equal higher morale.
your players just won't develop when they don't participate in competitive matches the more they play the better
I also noticed if some players received high ratings in matches then they developed faster