Do you like the ME?

Do you like the ME?

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Billy Bryant

Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
A thread has popped up complaining about it and there have been others recently too, however in those threads a fair amount of people defend it too. I thought it would be interesting to have a poll and see exactly how people feel about it.
I'm pretty sure the majority, or at least the majority hate the ME. Don't need to keep making threads about it.
Other than the "set piece/scramble" bug, the 9/20 dribbling/balance/technique Sunday League players suddenly possessed by Messi, the "glorious" 89th equalizer, and the impossibility of defending corners - it's alright.
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The fact that we have had many complaints & threads like these goes to show just how bad the match engine is. Yes sum will defend it to death. Its not that people do not like it because they struggle as many think. Its because of the lack of logic, scripts & inconsistency you get from the match engine that takes all the fun away. Its the worst match engine ever made. It only allows for certain tactics/formations to be used in favor of others, pathetic!!