Does is matter which side each player in a partnership is played?


Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
How much attention do you guys pay to which side each player in a partnership is played? For example if you have two players up front, or three in the middle, do you take many things in to account when deciding which side you place them in your tactic? Obviously it depends on the other roles and their positions in your formation as well as footedness, but for example if my tactic was like the one below would you really care which side the DLF and AF lined up on?
Yeah i'll always put the IF on the opposite side to my DLF if i can. if i haver a DLF and AF/P up front anyway.
It's easier to judge with tactic examples tbh. I don't have any ''written'' rules, i just see what fits where by looking at the tactic.

Even a players preffered foot can change my decision.
It's largely depends on the PPM's on the players.
Like in a

If the LWM has "cut inside" you could end up with the wide man running into your DLF making it easy for the opposing RB to cover the wide angles.
If the Left sided CM has "gets forward" or "moves into channels" he'll create overlaps for the DLF and (L)WM to play balls through to. Just little things to make the players work well together.