Does team instructions affect your counter attack?

Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys

I was thinking if you should do your team instructions based on how you want to counter attack? I mean if i tick the counter attack box, when my team launch a counter attack would it matter if i play direct or short passing, or should i base my team instructions on how i want to play when not counter attacking.

Thanks in advance
Definitely, i'm no expert but I think if you had short passing with counter attack set on, the move would take too long to build up and the counter attack chance would be wasted I think?
I would base it on how spread your formation is and where you focus your play. I tend to go for a normal passing where most players mix it up a bit if using a 442 with some width. When playing compact formation and play narrow, I usually go for shorter and when playing down the flanks in a 451, I play more direct.