
Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
Hi, I'm quite a new member of this forum and im quite new to fm games as well. I would like to download locking goals galore tactic to use for my Tottenham game . I have a mac. I downloaded the file without a problem, and I located the tactics file as well, but when I open the game and select 'manage tactics' the is nothing there. Can someone help me identify what the problem is? Thanks!
Also, I have heard of a genie scout and I'm interested of how to get it! Thanks!
Once you click Manage Tactics you need to click the Import button in the bottom left to add the newly downloaded tactic to the list.
Where can I find the newly downloaded tactic once i click 'import', because it comes up with a list of folders and i can't seem to find it in any of them. Thanks
Well ideally you will of extracted the .tac file to /Users/YOU/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2011/tactics

However when importing you can browse to wherever the file is located on your computer.