Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
This tactic is better ------>>>


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Download the tactic - TFF_DREAMCALLER__V1
Alternative download link - TFF_DREAMCALLER__V1



The best description of this tactic is results of the test: won the league with Southampton in 1st season 97 points and 96 goals scored. (H)


Download game save - TFF_DREAMCALLER_TEST_

1st season, Southampton, Predicted finish 9th by media.

All matches in test were played with the same starting eleven. Player's condition were "frozen" and injuries removed.


Shadow Strikers

- Technique 15+
- Finishing 13+
- Off The Ball 14+
- Anticipating 14+
- Passing 14+
- Agility 14+
- Flair 14+
- Dribbling 14+
- First Touch 13+
- Decisions 13+
- Creativity 14+
- Acceleration 13+
- Pace 13+
- Work Rate 12+


- Work Rate 14+
- Teamwork 14+
- Technique 14+
- Passing 14+
- Creativity 14+
- Decisions 14+
- Flair 11+
- Off The Ball 13+
- Anticipating 13+
- Positioning 10+
- Marking 10+
- First Touch 14+
- Dribbling 11+
- Agility 11+
- Acceleration 11+
- Pace 11+
- Strength 10+


- Work Rate 15+
- Teamwork 15+
- Positioning 14+
- Tackling 13+
- Marking 11+
- Strength 12+
- Jumping Reach 10+
- Anticipation 14+
- Passing 14+
- First Touch 14+
- Technique 13+
- Decision 13+
- Creativity 13+
- Composure 12+


DL must be left footed, DR must be right footed

- Work Rate 14+
- Technique 13+
- Passing 12+
- Dribbling 12+
- Positioning 12+
- Tackling 14+
- Marking 11+
- Anticipating 14+
- Aceleration 14+
- Agility 13+
- Pace 13+
- Off The Ball 11+
- Strength 9+
- Crossing 13+
- Composure 11+
- Teamwork 11+


- Positioning 15+
- Marking 15+
- Tackling 15+
- Anticipation 15+
- Strength 15+
- Jumping Reach 14+
- Work Rate 14+
- Aceleration 14+
- Pace 13+
- Concentration 13+
- Technique 10+
- Composure 11+
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hey, could you please explain the 2 CM's positions a bit better?

would the AP support be more of a #10 playmaker type, and the CM A more of a box to box mid type?

or is the CM A the more #10/creative player and the AP support more of a tackling/holding creative mid

thank you

also how come so many goals conceded? that's almost 1 goal a game, is that cause of the test or just a leaky tactic?

thank you
Looks good, it's getting to a point where your tactic names are as anticipated as the tactic is!
hey, could you please explain the 2 CM's positions a bit better?

would the AP support be more of a #10 playmaker type, and the CM A more of a box to box mid type?

or is the CM A the more #10/creative player and the AP support more of a tackling/holding creative mid

thank you

also how come so many goals conceded? that's almost 1 goal a game, is that cause of the test or just a leaky tactic?

thank you

Imagine real madrid...di maria is CM, modric is AP.
Love your tactics mate! More than willing to give this one a good go! Still rocking Insanity V3 so this has alot to prove
Wow, very impressive! I planned on using your Perfection tactic for my 2nd season Swansea Save (got them to 2nd in the premier league... though Danilo's tactic is countered easily in the 2nd season).
TFF, look at Veez plus a bunch of guys thread about strikeless formations.

I've used them for 6 seasons in my Bayern save and the gap created by not having a striker clearly hacked the game.

The problem was the turning of CCCs into goals since the majoraty of the shoots where far (but not long shots).

i've not used yours, so could you SS some shooting analysis from your matches?
Going to modify this slightly for my new Arsenal save (want a save where I can just relax...) to see if I can make more out of my CCCs, if anything comes out of it I will update this post.

EDIT: By changing the instructions of the central AMC, as well as changing his role to a Treq I had more shots on target, but less CCCs (same team, I saved it just before match preparation dialogue, identical really, except his instructions, etc... seems using three SS is working better right now for goals, did each test three times.)
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this tactic is winning the world cup, and u shut it down???? Ohhhh man :)
Having tried most of your many tactics with my Norwich/Arsenal career I can safely say this is by far the best. The league table doesn't lie!
View attachment 361339
Great work man, gonna see if it works with lesser players and head back to my Norwich save.
Thanks for the cracking work