
Apr 23, 2017
Reaction score
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I've taken over at Edinburgh City in the Ladbrokes League 2. They are predicted to come last in the division, but I hope for a successful season a tad further up the table. The squad needs improving and this save will rely heavily on youth, so possible prospects can be expected to sign in the near future.
Squad Info

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The club has never won anything that is worth noting (In my opinion), and this is backed up by the fact none of the competitions exist in the game.
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We have tons of pros and cons about the squad, we will look to overcome this list of weaknesses which unfortunately includes a lack of hot prospects.
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One of our key players seems to be Josh Walker, who has been given 5 star ability by the assistant. He looks to be an alright central midfielder, and lets hope he can play a part in potential successes this season.
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Loanee Lewis Allan looks a decent footballer, too, which is rare in this squad. He plays up front so we can expect more than a few goals from him, I think.
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Marc Laird is another great player in the opinion of the coaches, hes another central midfielder.
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I've decided upon this formation with these 11 being my main players to begin with, of course this can change through injury, transfers and form (more accurately, lack of form)

We play Standard mentality with a Flexible shape.
Edinburgh City sign Roy Robertson

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Edinburgh City have confirmed the signing of goalkeeper Robertson on a free transfer from Queen's Park. The 17 year old is said to have significant potential and new manager Harrison spoke of his ability

"He can certainly go far, and I can so far say his attitude suggests he will. I expect him to challenge for first team very soon and hopefully he can show everyone what he's truly capable of"

Many have suggested Harrison is massively over hyping the player, but his opinion suggests we should expect big things from the young Scot.
Another goalie signs at Edinburgh

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IN surprising news, Harrison has signed his second new keeper in two days:

"I couldn't choose between them, so I might look to offload a keeper currently at the club or loan somebody out."
I tried an Edinburgh City save myself and lasted until New Year's Eve, bit harsh to fire me on a public holiday I thought but it's a really difficult save it pull off. You've signed 2 young keepers but you really need players for the here and now because the squad is pretty crappy.
Tried this save and survived first season by a couple of points. Really tough save but if you can pick up some quality freebies it's possible to survive and build