Editing Players CA/PA & Others

  • Thread starter Rollsie
  • Start date
  • Replies 3
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Just a quick question aimed more at lower league fans as the game isnt always acurate for our players, do you change players atributes or ca/pa in the Editor , not to change for CHEATING but to make them realistic to the game, i.e in real life i know Stephen Harrison RB , is beter than CA 35 but would you regard as cheating to change it to what you belive it is.

Also finances, my club made a killing on the cup run last year (440 K+ from TV & Prize Money Alone) but the Game only claims the club to have 250K, again would you see it as cheating to change it to 400K or 380K, (spent money on new roof costing 40-60k) as it would be in the real world

Also if someone knows the borders lik ,
30-40 ca - Good BSN/S Player etc,etc or
-7 pa - 130 -150

or somethig like that, Cheers :)
That would be classed as cheating, yes. Your opinion is most likely to be biased, however much you want to deny it.
Go on man, that's not cheating... Just follow your opinion...
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