Emulating Germany - European Championship Discussion

I thought that Germany setup like this against Portugal:

GK (Neuer) Sweeper Keeper - Defend
DR (Boateng) Full Back - Support
CD (Badstuber) Central Defender - Stopper
CD (Hummels) Ball Playing Defender - Cover
DL (Lahm) Full Back - Support
MCR (Khedira) Central Midfielder - Defend
MCL (Schweinsteiger) Deep Lying Playmaker - Support
AMR (Muller) Winger - Support
AMC (Ozil) Advanced Playmaker - Attack
AML (Podolski) Inside Forward - Support
ST (Gomez) Poacher


More Pressing, Zonal Marking.
>AML (Podolski) Inside Forward - Support

Make him a Winger - Attack. He's left-footed and rarely ever helps out in defense.

Both fullback played very carefully against Portugal, almost man-marking Nani and Ronaldo, as these were basically parked up the pitch and bound the german fullbacks way back in defense.
>AML (Podolski) Inside Forward - Support

Make him a Winger - Attack. He's left-footed and rarely ever helps out in defense.

Both fullback played very carefully against Portugal, almost man-marking Nani and Ronaldo, as these were basically parked up the pitch and bound the german fullbacks way back in defense.

Regarding Podolski, for Germany he was cutting into the box a lot and often could not even get on the end of Muller's crosses from the right wing because he was so central. Looking at ESPN's heat map, he was very central/narrow.

The full-backs were defensive but they were also further forward than the CB's so I think a support duty is fair.
Hello everyone,

This is my first "intervention" in the forum. Sorry for any "bad english" because it's not my first language lol (Portugal here haha!).

I guess that Germany has the best football in the Euro. For me, it's the way that I want my team to play. It's perfect! Perfect control of the game, all players with perfect idea to what they should do, quick attack. Amazing. And of course they have a player like Ozil. What a fantastic player.

I guess that in FM it would be something like this:

More discipline
Press More
Stick to position
D-line in the middle
Width in the middle
Tempo "in the limit" of normal.
Counter-Attack of course.

Fb's- full back support
Cb- central defender defend
MCr- deep lying playmaker support
MCl- ball winner midfield defend (with run from deep and killer passes (?) sometimes
MAc- advanced playmaker attack. high creativity
MAl and MAr- inside forward support
P- poacher.

I guess that the roles need some tweaks but, in generally, I guess that this something similar.
´But, this is just an opinion. Feel free to comment the post. The beauty of football is that, give's us different aproaches to see it.

agree with a few things but, one of the cb was ball playing with run with ball sometimes (hummels) width was a bit wide,

ozil (amc advance playmaker) roamed from position and through often often .

one thing though did he move into channels as well in the support role for more movement off the ball? or was he roaming amd just laying of passes ??

Hello everyone,

This is my first "intervention" in the forum. Sorry for any "bad english" because it's not my first language lol (Portugal here haha!).

I guess that Germany has the best football in the Euro. For me, it's the way that I want my team to play. It's perfect! Perfect control of the game, all players with perfect idea to what they should do, quick attack. Amazing. And of course they have a player like Ozil. What a fantastic player.

I guess that in FM it would be something like this:

More discipline
Press More
Stick to position
D-line in the middle
Width in the middle
Tempo "in the limit" of normal.
Counter-Attack of course.

Fb's- full back support
Cb- central defender defend
MCr- deep lying playmaker support
MCl- ball winner midfield defend (with run from deep and killer passes (?) sometimes
MAc- advanced playmaker attack. high creativity
MAl and MAr- inside forward support
P- poacher.

I guess that the roles need some tweaks but, in generally, I guess that this something similar.
´But, this is just an opinion. Feel free to comment the post. The beauty of football is that, give's us different aproaches to see it.

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I agree. I've forgotten to said that. I think that Ozil definetly roamed from his position and go into channels, swapping with one of the "wingers". (i'd say muller, who is good playi'n in the middle).
Since is "only" 4 players attacking, this need good movements between them. (except, of course, Gomez who is just for scoring)
that's true. also schweinsteiger played deep lying playmaker. but the difference i think is that he also roamed a bit if you noticed as he also helped assisted with the 2 goals .

I agree. I've forgotten to said that. I think that Ozil definetly roamed from his position and go into channels, swapping with one of the "wingers". (i'd say muller, who is good playi'n in the middle).
Since is "only" 4 players attacking, this need good movements between them. (except, of course, Gomez who is just for scoring)

Ozil definitely drifted towards Muller to create 2 on 1 situations and to create space for himself. I did notice him drift closer to the DCL at times when Germany were retaining posession and then drop off, I guess he was trying to drag him out of position but it was interesting to see how he tried to achieve that (by almost playing how a second striker would at times).

Ozil is such an intelligent player though its going to be very difficult to incorperate even 1/10 of what he does in real life into the game.

Muller really likes to play 1-2's to create more space for himself.

Khedira got forward more than Sweinsteiger but he did get forward enough to help create the 2 goals (also should be noted that they did actively try to attack the Dutch's right side of Willems and Afellay and it worked for them).


Lahm spent alot of the time during attacks not going beyond Podolski but finding space in a slightly more central position to help give an option to him (this was when they built attacks down the Left).

Hummels would probably need some PPM's help complement the Player Instructions (Does he have the relevent PPM's already? I never really play in any of the big leagues so I don't know how he works on FM) because you don't want him being given run from deep sometimes but then that not being being effective for your team and just leaving your DC out of position having lost the ball.

Badstuber usually dropped deeper to create a passing option when either Hummels or 1 of the CM's needed it.

Boateng (and Lahm) concentrated on defending more than attacking (unless they were on the Counter).


Gomez's role was probably a Poacher (but when Klose came on he generally moves around morre and would probably need a different role).
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good points made. hummels wouldn't have run from deep but run with ball. khedira went forward sometimes and schweinstiger i belive roamed spraying passes from deep. what would you give hummels creative freedom (just last line of normal just before little ?)

you definately right about defence .

Ozil definitely drifted towards Muller to create 2 on 1 situations and to create space for himself. I did notice him drift closer to the DCL at times when Germany were retaining posession and then drop off, I guess he was trying to drag him out of position but it was interesting to see how he tried to achieve that (by almost playing how a second striker would at times).

Ozil is such an intelligent player though its going to be very difficult to incorperate even 1/10 of what he does in real life into the game.

Muller really likes to play 1-2's to create more space for himself.

Khedira got forward more than Sweinsteiger but he did get forward enough to help create the 2 goals (also should be noted that they did actively try to attack the Dutch's right side of Willems and Afellay and it worked for them).


Lahm spent alot of the time during attacks not going beyond Podolski but finding space in a slightly more central position to help give an option to him (this was when they built attacks down the Left).

Hummels would probably need some PPM's help complement the Player Instructions (Does he have the relevent PPM's already? I never really play in any of the big leagues so I don't know how he works on FM) because you don't want him being given run from deep sometimes but then that not being being effective for your team and just leaving your DC out of position having lost the ball.

Badstuber usually dropped deeper to create a passing option when either Hummels or 1 of the CM's needed it.

Boateng (and Lahm) concentrated on defending more than attacking (unless they were on the Counter).


Gomez's role was probably a Poacher (but when Klose came on he generally moves around morre and would probably need a different role).
good points made. hummels wouldn't have run from deep but run with ball. khedira went forward sometimes and schweinstiger i belive roamed spraying passes from deep. what would you give hummels creative freedom (just last line of normal just before little ?)

you definately right about defence .

Yeah, that amount of creative freedom seems about right to me also the run with ball idea is clearly a better idea.

Schweinsteiger's role seems like one of the more difficult roles to replicate as he seemed to stay deep trying to create a passing option for the defenders but getting forward when Germany got the ball wide this will be an interesting and helpful role to create in any formation.

I would give Khedira a lower mentality but give him run from deep often, so that he starts off deeper but gets forward regularly.
I agree with the ideas. I guess that, in my first post, I didn´t enter in the player roles and their instructions, but I agree.
In the Schweinsteiger and Khedira roles don't you think that it would be much space to exploit by the opponent? Yeah, Khedira with that role. Schweinsteiger deep lying playmaker with some creative freedom, but not in high, run from deep rarely and run with ball sometimes. And, of course, try killer balls often. His pass I think it should be mixed.
The best idea is make a tactic in the game, with all the ideas. By here it's too much complicated explain all the points. Lol
yes it would be hard to get schweinsteiger and khedira to play like that as you rigthfully noted, therefore its best to play the way football manager understands.

I agree with the ideas. I guess that, in my first post, I didn´t enter in the player roles and their instructions, but I agree.
In the Schweinsteiger and Khedira roles don't you think that it would be much space to exploit by the opponent? Yeah, Khedira with that role. Schweinsteiger deep lying playmaker with some creative freedom, but not in high, run from deep rarely and run with ball sometimes. And, of course, try killer balls often. His pass I think it should be mixed.
The best idea is make a tactic in the game, with all the ideas. By here it's too much complicated explain all the points. Lol
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I wish i was as tactically gifted as all of you.

I can only ever use downloaded tactics :(

Although i will be starting a newcastle save on saturday with LFC Marshalls update and trying to make my own tactic similiar to Germany