Emulating Portugal - European Championship Discussion

Today they were awesome IMO, obviously against lacklustre opponents, but their breaking power was really really exciting to watch.

I'd probably say Ronaldo was an IF/A whilst Nani was more of a Winger but did cut inside a tad? Maybe a winger with cut inside instruction?

I have yet to put my thumb on what type of striker you'd say they use, Postiga is largely ambiguous imo, not a great player, didn't notice him extensivelt apart from a few opportunities, maybe Advanced forward or complete forward to compliment the wings?

Veloso DLP Defend? Meireles CM/S or DLP/S?
Moutinho a more advanced playmaker I feel; Adv Playmaker attack? maybe support since he was deep fairly often.

Bruno Alves was undoubtedly a Ball Player Defender, though I'd probably say he was just 'defend' duty rather than cover or stopper. Pepe was Limited defender cover from what I could see?

The tempo would obviously be fast, Playmakers of Nani and Ronaldo with Bruno Alves specifically with HIGH scale towards direct passing?

I'd love to see a tactic like this :D GOnna mess around with it a bit!
It's nice for me, a Portuguese guy, see one people interest in make our selection style of play in the best game to try this.
My point of view is a little different in some things. So, my idea it's something like this:

RB (Pereira)- Support with run from deep sometimes
LB (Coentrão)- Support with run from deep sometimes, run with ball sometimes.
CBr (Pepe)- Central defender with cover duty.
CBl( Alves)- Ball play'n defender with try killer balls often, with long pass. (personally I think he have two bricks in his feet's lol)
MDc (Veloso)- Deep lying playmaker with defend duty. Try killer balls sometimes. He has a good technique, but he's a little slow.
MCr (Moutinho)- Deep lying playmaker dictating our game. Although he's press, with Meireles, very high in the pitch, Moutinho is our "brain", I guess.
MCl (Meireles)- Central midfield attack.
Nani in the right playi'n as Winger with support duty to give us some width.
Ronaldo is clearly a inside forward with attack duty.
In the front, our best player don't play. Postiga don't have quality to play in our team. Oliveira is the best, but he's young. I guess he would play as complete forward with support duty.

All of this with Fluid philosophy and control strategy. High tempo and counter attack picked. Moutinho as our main playmaker I guess.

Somethi'n like this. Of course, any valuable opinion is accepted. Football has this beauty, give's us the possibility of see'n it in different ways. :)
