England Refuses To Vote on new FIFA President

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Nice Guy Gramps
Oct 23, 2009
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The FA has decided to abstain in the vote for the new president of FIFA on June 1st, in light of the corruption allegations within FIFA, amongst other issues.

BBC Sport - FA opts to abstain from Fifa presidency vote

Looks like the FA did something right for a change in my opinion. Until FIFA has a complete overhaul, they can pretty much not be trusted with anything again for a long time, and the longer Blatter is in charge of FIFA, things will only get worse before they can get better.
Yeah, I just saw this on Twitter. Good decision, but if Blatter stays, it could be a bad one. Why dont they just vote for Bin Hamaam?
Yeah, I just saw this on Twitter. Good decision, but if Blatter stays, it could be a bad one. Why dont they just vote for Bin Hamaam?

Was wondering myself. Maybe they're just sick of the whole organisation, and are just doing it as a frustrated two-finger salute to Blatter and co.
Abstention from the vote will be a good morale stand for a change but I think Blatter over the past week has got the backing of UEFA, CONCECAF and AFRICA federations so I doubt an FA no vote will change things so significantly. Glad they didn't vote for him even though Geoff Thompson did on the UEFA Exec committee, Blatters promising transparency etc etc...Have I missed something here Sep? I swear you have been president for over ten years surely you could have found the time to be more transparent in that time?

Whoever votes for that man is off my Christmas card list because they are either corrupt, ignorant or just gullible and I doubt the latter. Unbelievable, the sinic insides me says he that the World cup crossing '4 continents' from 2010-2014-2018-2022 seems surprising that all of those world cups were announced under Blatters last term doesn't it?...

Almost as if he promised federations world cups in exchange for votes in the election, something stinks in all this that is for sure...
Is our FA really the only one who can see the corruption within FIFA? Although saying that, if we had won the right to host the World Cup, would anybody in UK really care?...
Haamam is no better than Blatter in my opinion, in all his years governing Asian Football he has hardly made anything better and competitions such as the AFC Champions League is just a joke according to me, plus apparently many people who have worked for him do not like him too
Wonder how the FIFA investigation will go, if they find the people are responsible.
"did you bribe people to get votes"
*slap on wrist*

Not that I'm a cynic or anything
I don't see how this is going to help England's cause at all. We are saying we want neither, but one of them will inevitably get the position, and knowing that we don't want them there can only cause long term friction. The president will have all the board members in his pocket, and we will be continually punished as a nation because of the corrupt way in which fifa is run.

It would be fantastic if we could take fifa apart from the top, down. I just can't see it. Other countries are generally more corrupt than England and I can't see them having the bravery to go against them. I like the idea of leaving fifa altogether, but we'd need the support of other big nations to completely withdraw, and it just won't happen.
Would not surprise me if FIFA hired this guy to head up the corruption investigation...

FA: "So we have to pick between Sepp, who we know is corrupt, or we have to pick the guy from Qatar, who we DEFINITELY know is corrupt. Yea, to **** with this, I'm not voting!"
Bitterness. Should appoint Neil Lennon, he would fit in well.

Honestly though, you are becoming a bit of a laughing stock now. If this evidence is there, why isn't it public?
Bitterness. Should appoint Neil Lennon, he would fit in well.

Honestly though, you are becoming a bit of a laughing stock now. If this evidence is there, why isn't it public?

Becoming? been one for a while now. Well known we are not liked by FIFA, instead of pandering to them, should have just stuck two fingers up at them and tried to get our game in order. Of course thats far too sensible an idea
I feel sorry for the genuine football fans in all of­ this. What should be a proud and shining example of­ sportsmanship is now an example of ridicule and shame.­ Thanks to all of this bribery and corruption under this­ man Blatter and Platini in UEFA's case it stinks to the­ high heaven. What saddens me in the whole business is the­ accusations and couner accusations from the parties­ concerned. Blatter says football will disappear into a­ black hole if he isnt elected again. The sad fact is­ that FIFA is the black hole in all of this. Its not­ about England not being awarded the respective World­ Cups its all about how the countries were awarded­ them. Bribes from rich countries.

First thing to be done is to get rid of Platini and his­ Barcelona directors from the Uefa committee, clean it­ up with club representation and then break from FIFA.­
European football is quite capable of generating huge­ money on a global scale, then, develop it's own­ football strategy. An outside body needs to be­ appointed to ensure that any football organisation­ answers to the governments of each country and European­ law, this will allow monitoring of finances and control­ corruption.
There is now a chance to clean out this­ corruption, bring the game back to the people. It­ starts with the removal of Blatter and the blood­ sucking leeches called FIFA