FA Backs Sepp Blatter For Re Election Months From The World Cup Bid Humiliation

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Nov 7, 2009
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I know this is 2 days old news but I'm trying to spread it about, does not seem to be the kind of uproar I would expect from a story like this. It all stemmed from UEFA backing Blatter in his campaign (Platini wants to stand for election in 2015...But surely UEFA would not back someone on the word of one man that is medieval...oh wait). So being a member of UEFA the English FA got handed a document like every other UEFA member and could sign it or abstain (To endorse Hamman at a later date) HOWEVER Mr Thompson alone at UEFA HQ thought he spoke for the nation and surely...surely...accidentally signed the public document backing Blatter for re election.
Just proves the point of how dated and blind UEFA/FIFA are, the thing that gets me is with minimal news coverage this could get swept under the carpet that ONE MAN Geoff Thompson who figure headed our failed WC bid months ago has signed a document for his buddy Michel Platini which basically says 'THE ENGLISH FA AND THE ENGLISH FOOTBALL WORLD/PUBLIC SUBMIT SUPPORT AND ENDORSE MR SEP BLATTER IN HIS CAMPAIGN OF IDIOCY AND WISH TO HAVE HIM IN CHARGE OF WORLD FOOTBALL FOR A FURTHER 4 YEARS.'

To me nothing about that sits well at all, I'm running out of clean words so I give way to Paul Kelso of the Telegraph to explain the story. And Im not naive to think our FA is not corrupt and spineless, it has its troubles but surely this just contradicts everything, they must have very short memories. I mean I know there is nothing we can do but Blatter will get re elected since he gave most of the 200+ executive committee members their jobs and well with change would come the axe to a few of their 'jobs'. I just think its pathetic that UEFA, FA, FIFA think that people want them in charge, they are all unelected officials and we have no say but this is pushing it even for the FA.

''Thompson, a Uefa and Fifa vice-president, added his signature to a statement backing Blatter in June’s election despite having played a central role in a bid that received just one vote apart from his own.
The backing of Uefa’s senior figures, and crucially its president, Michel Platini, takes Blatter a significant step closer to retaining the Fifa presidency, but Thompson’s endorsement will strike many as baffling after the treatment meted out to England’s bid.
It was Thompson who broke the news to England’s bid team that they had been ejected in the first round of voting in Zurich. He also passed on details of Blatter’s damning final words before the vote, in which he cautioned the executive committee members that the British media was hostile and would remain so if England won.
England’s bid leadership later alleged that six Fifa executive committee members had lied to Prime Minister David Cameron and Prince William about their intention to vote for England.
Thompson himself criticised Fifa’s bidding process, saying it should have been clearer about priorities and echoed concerns that the bid had been deceived. “I cannot believe what has happened, and I am naturally very, very disappointed. The votes that were promised clearly didn’t materialise,” he said.
Six months on, Thompson, who steps down from his Uefa post in June, is happy to put his name to a statement urging all 53 Uefa associations to back the incumbent. Abstention remains a possibility, and Bernstein is committed to informing “the football public” of the board’s intention prior to the vote.
“The Uefa executive committee has decided to give its unanimous support to Mr Joseph S Blatter in the upcoming Fifa presidential elections and strongly recommends all Uefa member associations do likewise,” said the statement, which was sent by Uefa to Blatter on Friday.
Uefa members are not obliged to follow the advice and some of those endorsing Blatter, including Thompson and Platini, do not have a vote as they are not presidents of their national federations.
But it sends a powerful signal to those considering backing Blatter’s opponent, Mohamed bin Hammam, and makes it increasingly clear that if Blatter is re-elected, Platini will be Fifa president-elect.''

These people are just mad with power it is actually crazy to hear, and do not even get me started on goal line technology and why on earth will it take a year to test technology that has been tested for coming up 9 years and works perfectly. I would prefer to be ran by our corrupt FA than by FIFA, Devolution of law making powers should be given to individual FAs especially ours who are easily in the top 3 richest football associations in the world. When I heard of this story my immediate reaction was you have got to be kidding, the feeling is since Thompson is such a powerful member within UEFA he is basically Platinis right hand man so when Platini moves on to replace Blatter in 2015 the door will be open for Thompson to take over as head of UEFA. The whole thing within the structure of 'governing bodies' is corrupt medieval and just ridiculously arrogant if it thinks it can behave like this in the 21st century. Lets not forget Blatter MODIFIED the law that is supposed to be the one law he follows which is maximum term of a FIFA president, I mean this guy has no shame.

I just thought I would share it and drip some information through to everyone so we can alllll unanimously say: ''WTF?''

My only hope is that it is in fact a joke and we promise our vote to Sep but actually vote for someone else and that will really *ck him up, see how he likes it...