few stupid questions


Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
The board agreed to improve training facilities. About five days till complete they canceled due to the financial shortage. That means that the club lost money spent to improve training facilities? When the board will agree to improve training facilities again, will the club pay another money and improvement will take another year to complete? Or the club will spend now five days and a short amount of money to complete improvements? I'm not a english speaking person, so to me "canceled" seams a very harsh decision. I wold have no problem with "delayed". thanx
welcome mate, I have never experienced that or heard of anything regarding this either...

it could take a while for you to ask the board again, maybe 6-12months, try it out, see what happens, who knows, it might take a week or two to complete and little money..

if they "removed" it it would end up costing more money (IRL) to remove the work instead of leaving it as is.. so I would assume you would start from where you left off, hopefully
Thanx Raikan007. I hope you're right. The complete bar is now full (i think), red and is displayed just the starting date, not also the complete date.
Hi mate.

Did you make a signing whilst these facilities was being created? Thats happened to me a couple of times, I brought a player that took up a bit of my budget and they pulled the plug. Either that, or you have had a bad month financially (usually get told in the montly report how much you gained/lost), that could be another reason. Might have to wait until the end of the season for them to gain permisson to do so, and i'm sure the restart from the beginning aswell.
Thanx BeadSTARR. If you're right, sadly, i guess that i will have to come back and edit my finances.