Final FM 12 Save - A Royal Return...Hopefully!


Dec 3, 2011
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This is a story about Reading FC. I would normally use LFC's update but want to take Reading to the Premier League myself. The only change I have made to the database is I added myself as a youngster to the database. Leave comments and enjoy!
New Ambition...
Brian McDermott has been sacked as manager of Reading. With new owners coming in they felt they needed a different manager to continue the ambition of playing in the Premier League. Reading have announced Matt West as the new manager of the club.

He has had previous experience managing lower league sides and making them play attractive football. Reading felt this was a too good a manager to miss, so they should snapped him up before the big clubs come snooping around; vying for his signature.

West had this to say, “I am pleased to join such a well-supported club. My aim is to take Reading to the Premier League, using the Stoke model as guidance. We don’t want to be a yoyo club who move back and forth between the divisions. This club has great ambition and hopefully I can fulfil it!”
Squad Analysis...
With West receiving a huge £4 million budget, he has made a full assessment of his squad to see the weaknesses and strengths.

Squad Analysis

Federici is an excellent goalkeeper capable of playing in the Premier League. McCarthy is a young promising back-up. I will probably have to loan him out to get experience. Finally Andersen is going to be my back-up keeper to Federici. No new signings needed here.

Firstly, looking at fullback I have Harte, Joseph Mills, Griffin and Cummings. Two aging full backs alongside two young promising full backs. Harte will help to make us effective from set pieces. Griffin will be used at right back. Both are aging so looking for a replacement in a season or two. Joseph Mills is promising but not quite ready for Championship football so I will loan him out. Cummings will provide back-up to Griffin. Cover needed at left back.

Looking at centre backs, I have Pearce, Gorkss, Connolly (loan), Gunnarsson and youngster Morrison. Pearce and Gorkss are quality and Connolly and Gunnarsson will provide back-up. Youngster Morrison will go on loan.

On the wings is definitely a strong area with the likes of McAnuff, Kebe and Robson-Kanu. All of them will provide crosses for the big men up front. Maybe one more winger as back-up encase of injuries as this is a big outlet for my team. In the middle I have Karacan, Leigertwood, Jay Tabb, Brian Howard and youngster Matthew West. Definitely need some creativity in the middle of the park depending on whether I sell Howard and Tabb.

I have great strength in depth here but none are 20 goal a season strikers. Church and Roberts are great target men for the wingers. Le Fondre is a good poacher and is effective coming off the bench in an even game. There is also Hunt who is a versatile striker. There are also Baseya and Manset in the reserves. I definitely need to shift the dead wood before I bring in a striker.

Key Players:
Adam Federici:
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One of the best keepers in the league and my last line of defence. He can be the difference between winning and losing a game with his acrobatic saves and his creativity from throws and goal kicks. A possible target for bigger clubs so hopefully can tie him down to a new contract.

Alex Pearce:
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A rock at the back, tall and agile centre back who will become the captain one day. He has the quality to play in the Premier League and will be a target for top clubs. He will only get better with age.

Jimmy Kebe:
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A speedy winger who will provide crosses for the big men. He is a tall and tricky Malian who can get passed his man with ease. The important thing is to keep him fit and he will provide a lot of assists and goals.

With the wingers being an effective outlet I will play a fast tempo 4-2-4 with emphasis on the wings. I will try to get the team to create as many chances as possible. With Reading being one of the top teams in the Championship this tactic is viable, rather than a defensive 4-4-2.
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Good luck, I'll be following. You should easily get up, but maybe look at getting someone like Lukaku on loan?
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Ins and Outs...

Msakni (800k) – the Tunisian Messi. He will add pace and creativity down the wings and can provide cover for the forwards.
Marco Verratti (800k) – A versatile playmaker who will add creativity to the middle of the park, something that Reading were missing.

Matt Phillips (£2 million) – another winger who will provide competition for McAnuff and Kebe. He is also young and British and will be key to the future of the club.
Muniesa (loan) – He will provide cover for Harte at left back with Mills looking to be loaned out. He is a tall left back who can also play at centre half. Hopefully he can bring Barca’s style to my Reading side.
Sanago (loan) – The final piece of the jigsaw. A young French striker capable of bagging 20 goals and will provide competition for the strikers already here.

Cywka (£750k) – He is gone to Ipswich, not needed by the club.
Gunnarsson (£500k) – He has gone to Cardiff with Muniesa coming in he wasn’t needed and considering his age this was a great deal.
Brian Howard (£170k) – Not needed with the quality already in the midfield. Has gone to Leeds.
Manset (£200k) – With so many strikers Manset was the unlucky victim, wish him the best at Ipswich.

Antonio, McCarthy, Sheppard, Obita and Mills have also gone on loan.

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Good pre-season with four wins and one draw. The 9-0 win against Didcot was a particular highlight. Sanago and Le Fondre shone up front with their excellent finishing. Kebe and Msakni also impressed with their pace and trickery down the wings. I am also pleased with the defence, they were solid! Hopefully we can bring this into the new season.
world obita got sent off for my team on saturday but he seems good and is a pompey favourite already after his 90th minute equaliser v colchester