Financial Fair Play - crunching the numbers

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Feb 15, 2009
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Financial Fair Play - crunching the numbers (From Andersred)

the andersred blog: Financial Fair Play - crunching the numbers

This is the first in a series of posts looking at the challenges faced by English clubs in complying with UEFA's Financial Fair Play ("FFP") rules. Next season (2011/12) is the first year when clubs' "break-even result" are calculated. The tables below shows what "break-even result" the seven English clubs that played in Europe this season would have achieved on last year's figures (Liverpool numbers are for 2008/09 as they have not yet published 2009/10 results).

Relevant income


The "relevant income" calculation is the simplest bit of the FFP rules. All football club revenue (which I have divided into the common matchday/media/commercial and retail split) is of course included. In addition, the profit from selling players is included too. Profit in this sense means the difference between a player's selling price and the book value of his registration on the club's balance sheet. Players that come through a club's youth system have a zero book value and thus any sale proceeds are 100% "profit" in the FFP calculations.

Income from non-football operations is excluded, except where they are based at or close to a club's ground (such as hotel or conference facilities). Chelsea's hotel would therefore be included in the income calculation, as would Manchester City's "Sportcity" redevelopment around Eastlands. Arsenal's property income from the re-development of Highbury would be excluded.

The other major exclusion, and one no doubt likely to cause controversy, is revenue received from "related parties" (effectively the owner or people/corporations connected to them) in transactions that are carried out "above fair value". This rule (described in Annex X B 1j) says that transactions with a related party must be compared to the "fair value" that would have been achieved if the transaction was done as a normal commercial deal. Any income above this "fair value" is disregarded when calculating a club's income. This rule is designed to prevent owners subsidising their club by, for example, paying £50m per year for a box that would normally cost £250,000.

Relevant expenses


The expenses element of the FFP is more complicated and less intuitive than the income side. Staff costs are included and are by far the largest element, indeed it can be argued that the whole aim of FFP is to bear down on staff costs across European football. Other cash operating expenses are included (the basic costs of running a football club), but depreciation of fixed assets is not included. This means that there is no account taken under the FFP calculation of any costs from investing in stadiums or training grounds. Owners can finance such capital expenditure without limit under FFP.

Finance costs such as interest payments are included, but not if they relate to borrowing taken on to construct "tangible fixed assets" such as stadia, training facilities etc. In the table above, I have deducted the c. £14.5m of Arsenal's £20.8m of interest costs that relate to the club's financing of the Emirates.

The interest figure for United excludes the significant one-off refinancing costs the club recognised in 2009/10. My understanding is that such costs would not be included under FFP. On an ongoing basis, United's bond interest will be around £44.5m per annum.

A vital element of the expenses calculation is the inclusion of the "amortisation of player contracts" charge, which is how the cost of transfers is accounted for.

The accounting treatment of transfer spending is one of the least intuitive elements of finance for most football supporters. In the UK, the treatment is covered by "Financial Reporting Standard 10: Goodwill and Intangible Assets". In a transfer, the asset that is being bought and sold is not of course the player himself but the player's registration. This "asset" has a finite length of course, being the length of the player's contract with the acquiring club and FRS 10 says that the cost of buying the registration must be "recognised" over that life.

So when a club "buys" a player on a five year deal for (say) £20m, the cost is recognised over the 5 years at £4m per year, this is the "amortisation charge" for that player that appears in the profit and loss account. The timing of cash payments is irrelevant. The money could be paid up front or in agreed stages but the "cost" is recognised evenly over the contract. If after (say) three years the player negotiates a new five year deal, the remaining value (£8m in this example) plus any costs of negotiating the new contract (hello Paul Stretford et al) are added together and then recognised over the life of the new contract.

By including the amortisation charge in the expenses calculation, FFP captures transfer spending over an extended period. Even if a club stops spending after a period of heavy investment, the amortisation charge will stay high for a prolonged period. The chart below shows my estimate of Manchester City's charge over the next five years assuming no further purchases or sales (other than those players currently out on loan).


Dividend payments are captured in the calculation (in order to ensure debt is not disguised as equity). If the Glazers exercise any of their dividend rights (currently around £95m), such payments would have to be included in the FFP calculation.

As with the income calculation, transactions with "related parties" not done at "fair value" are adjusted for in the relevant expenses calculation. This is to prevent owners subsidising their clubs through taking on club costs (such as directly paying players for example).

The final major adjustments in the expense calculation relate to spending on youth development and community activities. Both are excluded from the FFP numbers, meaning clubs can spend as much as they wish on these areas. I have estimated figures for all seven clubs as they are not separately disclosed in the accounts.

Income minus expenses = "break-even result"


Subtracting "relevant expenses" from "relevant income" gives us the all important "break-even result". This is the key figure under the new regulations. In the first two "monitoring periods", seasons 2011/12 and 2012/13, clubs are not permitted to make a loss greater than €45m (c. £39.5m) over these two years combined if they are to receive a licence to play in Europe in 2013/14.

As you can see from the table above, only three or the seven English clubs would have made a profit under the break-even calculation last year, and Spurs' profit was only due to profits on player sales. United would have shown a loss if the exceptional financing costs were included. The losses at both Chelsea and City stand out. The figures for Liverpool are misleading, because they include significant finance costs relating to the debt Hicks and Gillet loaded on the club which have now been cleared.

Enforcement and exemptions
Meeting the new rules is going to be hard for many clubs across Europe. A key question is the extent to which UEFA actually enforce their new rules. The credibility of Michel Platini and UEFA as an organisation are clearly on the line, and I believe they will be enforced, although that may well mean banning a major club from European competition.

The rules do give one notable exemption to the calculations I have outlined for the first two seasons in which the rules apply (2013/14 and 2014/15), set out in Annex XI 2, the final page of the regulations. If a club breaches the "break-even" target in the "monitoring periods" for either of these seasons because of a loss in the 2011/12 season caused by wages paid to players under contracts signed before 1st June 2010 (when the FFP rules were published) the club will be let off (as long as losses are reducing over time). That is quite a big get out, and may well mean that City and Chelsea do not face the imminent prospect of a European ban. The exemption is only temporary however and the principle remains the same, if UEFA enforce FFP, many clubs are going to have to cut their wage bills and/or radically boost their revenues in the next few years.
I hope this doesn't lead to some clubs increasing ticket prices to try and bring in the revenue they need. Something needed to be done by UEFA and I hope they do enforce it.

It would be interesting to see the figures for Barca/ Real and other major European clubs.
I hope this doesn't lead to some clubs increasing ticket prices to try and bring in the revenue they need. Something needed to be done by UEFA and I hope they do enforce it.

It would be interesting to see the figures for Barca/ Real and other major European clubs.

Ticket prices are already ridiculously high though. Sadly, given the inelastic nature of the ticket demand, I can see it happening - especially for City and Chelsea. I'd like a maximum price implemented to ensure clubs reduce debts in the intended way, rather than sacrificing your average fan in order to finance their poor fiscal habits.

---------- Post added at 12:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 AM ----------

Makes good reading for United and Arsenal though. Also highlights just how badly City require 4th this season.
Interesting, we were turning a small profit recently, and now we're supposedly making a small loss.

I think our biggest financial problem is the size of our stadium and marketing of the club; this is where we fall short. Tottenham have a huge fan base in England, and a decent amount in America, as well as pockets in Asia.

That said, we're in a healthier financial position than anyone in the league besides Arsenal - not much to complain about, in truth.
Interesting, we were turning a small profit recently, and now we're supposedly making a small loss.

I think our biggest financial problem is the size of our stadium and marketing of the club; this is where we fall short. Tottenham have a huge fan base in England, and a decent amount in America, as well as pockets in Asia.

That said, we're in a healthier financial position than anyone in the league besides Arsenal - not much to complain about, in truth.

apparently it was down to player sales, and Levy recently talked needing to streamline the squad, especially if top 4 isnt achieved. Still, there is a good amount of room for growth for Spurs in the medium term, interesting to see what Levy can do with it. Spurs made a name with their European antics, he needs to find a way to harness that
I think we'll be thinning the squad out, in areas where we just have far too many players. Central midfield and right-back come to mind, as we have players who are considered 'Senior' on loan, while we're paying their wages. In my opinion, once a player gets past the youth stage, the loaning process should stop and they should either factor into your squad or be moved on.
From a United perspective ours is a case of wait and see. We are running on one engine (commercial and marketing), thankfully its a very powerful engine, but we dont know what the long term end game is; figures show the Glazers dont seem to be siphoning money out the club, infact they dont seem to be doing much of anything, apart from not telling us anything. FFP seems to go in our favour at the moment, but our off field stability depends on our continued CL involvment. Not terrible, but not great, but definitely uncertain
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I'm not sure how I feel about these rules. Obviously I love the idea, but, if anything, it just helps the big clubs because the smaller clubs obviously can't compete with their revenue streams. This will be the case in Spain because of the TV deals and lack of global exposure outside of RM and Barca...I'm afraid teams like Valencia, Atletico, Sevilla, etc. will be punished by these rules and it will only worsen the gap between RM and Barca and the rest. It might also put a stranglehold on the smaller leagues that want to grow to the size of the big leagues. The fact is the big 3 (especially the Prem) have already succeeded in gaining access to all of these global markets, meaning they have huge revenue streams and can continue their dominance, while the smaller leagues can't spend to compete and gain access to these markets. How will a team like Bordeaux get fans in China if they can't spend enough to compete with ManU or Real Madrid?
The key to these proposals, which I'm in favour of. is EUFA's desire & ability to enforce them against the recklessly big spending clubs; will they take on madrid, sheikh city & the rest, & not merely hit them, after an appeal, with cash fines which they'll pay & smile whilst doing so ?
I'd love to see Liverpool's figures now our debt has been cleared as I think our break even result would be positive, rather than negative.