
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
İ am playing it on my laptop, i5 processor, 1gb graphics adapter from ati, 4gb ram,etc. That is a toshiba.

whenever i want to view in inbox it becomes too slow and unresponsive. İt also happens when i want to view a player profile. Or when i wanna look to my shortlist.

İn fact i really wait too much between screens.

Only 38000 players loaded. Demo was super fast, i couldnt find a solution.

İf anyone can help i would really appriciate.
Well the reason the demo was super fast is because there were 3000 players loaded and like 5 leagues..

I don't really know what to suggest though, try less leagues or less players? Maybe just try restarting your PC, that usually speeds my FM game up a little bit.
First of all subject is obviously a typo, it is fm12.

İ tried everything. İ even tried harddisk optimizations, defrags, etc.

İ played fm11 with over 100000 players. And it was like at the same speed. The rating for that fm11 game was 1,5 stars. And the rating for the
Game on fm12 is 3,5 stars. There is something wrong but i couldnt figure it out.
Same problem here, after a few months progress the game is getting very, very slow.