Fellow Readers,
This site, as much as i love it... Has to be criticised in some areas... Most of the site is brilliant and beautiful.. About 3% drives me mad.. I'm here to make a few little suggestions to the site and point out the problems...
Problems with Fm-base.co.uk: XD
The site goes down too much:
We all know this is a major problem for the site.. It drives me mad sometimes.. It can be for 10 minutes.. Could be the whole day.. But i don't know how or why this happens.. But i'm sure it can be avoided somehow.. I strongly consider that we look into it to get rid of the problem.
Annoying Advertisements:
Okay. You may have noticed this, you may have not noticed this.. But this being a football site, and me being a teenager. I get constant glares from my parents when i accidently press wrong keys and it zooms in or goes to the bottom of the page and all my parents see is this... "SEXY SINGLE GIRLS" or "LOOKING FOR SEXY SINGLES?"... Frankly, it gets annoying after a while. I'm not one to complain about half-naked girls posing on my screen. But think seriously guys..
Also, if you scroll up and look below "Transfer Updates".. Theres a long advertisement. Try and glide over either "Tranfer Updates" or "Game Add-Ons"... Sometimes you won't see the menu, due to this advertisement..
Sometimes download links don't work:
A major problem with the site. I download many tactics from people, half of which they provide the wrong information as too where i should put the download, or theres a problem with the link.. I doubt i should blame the site for this.. But it is a problem none the less.
Threads getting closed without notice; Harsh Moderators; More Moderators etc. etc.. :
Okay. Not a major problem. But one i've discovered up-front. And, it is a problem... My thread got closed, only my second thread out of eight to be closed. One being a stupid one.. But i was annoyed due to it be closed for another problem.. Spam. How are we meant to control this 'Spam'!?.. Only sollution so far is to not even start a thread.. ANY thread can lead off topic.. Are we depending on luck if it does or something? And this is my opinion on the Moderators that the current ones are sometimes to harsh. When they could inform on what i need to do with the thread in order for it not to be closed.. Or something like that.. And the fact that we need more Mods. I have only seen a few active.. 1 or 2 majorly active.. Kris and JP Woody. They do a great job.. But i STILL find unclosed threads in forums like this one with one sentence requests etc. And many people break the forum rules without punishment. More moderators should be employed and the site can grow larger. Surely a few moderators will eventually find it a frustrating job.. What then?
A live chatbox:
This is on hundreds of forums. A simple box where any member can type a message and press enter, it is then verified for swear words which takes 2-5 seconds and will avoid spam. Members can be muted and reported if a swear word gets through. Before you question this idea, it's been done so many times i assure you. Its a great idea and may seem bad on paper, but theres no place you can talk to other managers live. You can ask for things quickly like advice, without creating a thread which takes a long time..
Thread tools:
Another thing many sites have.. User thread tools.. On your thread, you should be in charge... You and Moderators that is... You should be able to delete any unwanted comments. Such as SPAM and other things like swear words. This will save threads like mine from being closed.
More moderators; etc.
Surely members of the site are trustworthy enough to be moderators? It's not that hard of a job as i would know.. But we need more. I think others would agree...
Thats all things for now.. Will be adding more..
At the moment, there are no ways of making your thread heard of. A common tactic available to all users on forum websites is the "Bump" tool. A button that allows your thread to leap to the top of the forum, grabbing attention and readers. This thread can only be used once every 15 or 30 minutes. Its a good thing to have. As many brilliant threads get un-noticed. And all the dead ones can be.. REVIVED.
A few things to clear up:
Don't spam.
Follow Rules.
Keep to the topic.
I have warned you. Hopefully Moderators can take action if need be.
Comment with your thoughts, expressions and reactions.
This site, as much as i love it... Has to be criticised in some areas... Most of the site is brilliant and beautiful.. About 3% drives me mad.. I'm here to make a few little suggestions to the site and point out the problems...
Problems with Fm-base.co.uk: XD
- The site goes down too much (as we all know)
- The annoying advertisements (you will see what i mean)
- Sometimes download links do not work.
- Threads get closed without awareness by moderators.
- The site needs more moderators.
- The site needs more tools for users!
The site goes down too much:
We all know this is a major problem for the site.. It drives me mad sometimes.. It can be for 10 minutes.. Could be the whole day.. But i don't know how or why this happens.. But i'm sure it can be avoided somehow.. I strongly consider that we look into it to get rid of the problem.
Annoying Advertisements:
Okay. You may have noticed this, you may have not noticed this.. But this being a football site, and me being a teenager. I get constant glares from my parents when i accidently press wrong keys and it zooms in or goes to the bottom of the page and all my parents see is this... "SEXY SINGLE GIRLS" or "LOOKING FOR SEXY SINGLES?"... Frankly, it gets annoying after a while. I'm not one to complain about half-naked girls posing on my screen. But think seriously guys..
Also, if you scroll up and look below "Transfer Updates".. Theres a long advertisement. Try and glide over either "Tranfer Updates" or "Game Add-Ons"... Sometimes you won't see the menu, due to this advertisement..
Sometimes download links don't work:
A major problem with the site. I download many tactics from people, half of which they provide the wrong information as too where i should put the download, or theres a problem with the link.. I doubt i should blame the site for this.. But it is a problem none the less.
Threads getting closed without notice; Harsh Moderators; More Moderators etc. etc.. :
Okay. Not a major problem. But one i've discovered up-front. And, it is a problem... My thread got closed, only my second thread out of eight to be closed. One being a stupid one.. But i was annoyed due to it be closed for another problem.. Spam. How are we meant to control this 'Spam'!?.. Only sollution so far is to not even start a thread.. ANY thread can lead off topic.. Are we depending on luck if it does or something? And this is my opinion on the Moderators that the current ones are sometimes to harsh. When they could inform on what i need to do with the thread in order for it not to be closed.. Or something like that.. And the fact that we need more Mods. I have only seen a few active.. 1 or 2 majorly active.. Kris and JP Woody. They do a great job.. But i STILL find unclosed threads in forums like this one with one sentence requests etc. And many people break the forum rules without punishment. More moderators should be employed and the site can grow larger. Surely a few moderators will eventually find it a frustrating job.. What then?
- A live chatbox
- Thread Tools like 'Bumps', 'Delete comment' and 'remove thread'.
- As i said, more moderators.
- Something to stop the site from going down!
A live chatbox:
This is on hundreds of forums. A simple box where any member can type a message and press enter, it is then verified for swear words which takes 2-5 seconds and will avoid spam. Members can be muted and reported if a swear word gets through. Before you question this idea, it's been done so many times i assure you. Its a great idea and may seem bad on paper, but theres no place you can talk to other managers live. You can ask for things quickly like advice, without creating a thread which takes a long time..
Thread tools:
Another thing many sites have.. User thread tools.. On your thread, you should be in charge... You and Moderators that is... You should be able to delete any unwanted comments. Such as SPAM and other things like swear words. This will save threads like mine from being closed.
More moderators; etc.
Surely members of the site are trustworthy enough to be moderators? It's not that hard of a job as i would know.. But we need more. I think others would agree...
Thats all things for now.. Will be adding more..
At the moment, there are no ways of making your thread heard of. A common tactic available to all users on forum websites is the "Bump" tool. A button that allows your thread to leap to the top of the forum, grabbing attention and readers. This thread can only be used once every 15 or 30 minutes. Its a good thing to have. As many brilliant threads get un-noticed. And all the dead ones can be.. REVIVED.
A few things to clear up:
Don't spam.
Follow Rules.
Keep to the topic.
I have warned you. Hopefully Moderators can take action if need be.
Comment with your thoughts, expressions and reactions.
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