FM-Base Editing World Cup-Group Results


Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
FM-Base Editing World Cup Scores

Eds-99 for Creativity

All for Creativity.​

Hungry for Hungary - TheOtherRedDevils


He's got pretty much everything you could think of in there. And therefore gets a fairly high score. With regional divisions, and now a fourth and fifth tier of Hungarian football, things certainly will be looking up for Hungarian football fans.​

Nigerian Elite League - Trivaldo99


I believe this is a quality database, but in the creativity department, a 7 out of 10 is appropriate. All the standard things you'd expect are in there, and not much else. Although the addition of a Chinese team I found to be very well thought out.​

Hungarian Super League - iNickStuff


The change of the upper echelon of Hungarian football being split into two divisions, was clever and fairly creative. But that seems to be the only main addition and not much else is apparent. Had the potential to be a very good database, however.​

Nigeria's New Hope - Martinz


A good database, but not in the creativity area. There is nothing that really makes this Database stand out and therefore I feel four is a deserved mark.​

Bill Gates' Hungary - Neall


Guardiola, Mourinho and Ferguson to coach/manage Hungary isn't really creative at all. Only the fact that playoffs were created stops this from getting a 2.​

Alcaraz for sucess of DatabaseHungarian Pyramid System - Will1981


The new league system represents a good amount of creativity, and the amount of Database changes is very good. The quality of this Database is also very high and the creativity in this database is also very good.

Hungry for Hungary - TheOtherRedDevils


The extra divisions really managed to ferret out extra quality regens and increase the appeal of the Hungarian League.In the 2018 World Cup,Hungary lost in the finals but a good number of their players were currently plying their trade in Europe's top clubs

Nigerian Elite League - Trivaldo99


I found that the chinese team added something unique to the otherwise dull and boring Hungarian League and also it provided some good competition.Hungary in this Database perfromed admirably rising to 4th in the FIFA World Rankings with their captian also the Captian of FC Barcelona

Hungarian Super League - iNickStuff


The changes in the League gave the leaugue's weaker teams better chances of performing well,this indirectly contributed to good players from this club becoming even better and thus going on to play for Hungary.The highlight was when Hungary reached the semi-finals of the 2018 World Cup after beating England,Brazil and Argentina.

Nigeria's New Hope - Martinz


The highlight of this Databse was its focus on Youth and the Cup Martinz created which only allowed U-23 players to compete thus giving these younger players more exposure and putting them on theright develpment track.These new changes suceeded almost immediately when Hungary reached the Euro 2010 Finals and won the 2018 World Cup.

Bill Gates' Hungary - Neall


Although I knew this Database wont score well in other criteria's it certainly suceeded in its sucess with Hungary becoming the top nation after just 4 years and almost their whole National Team and U-23 Team playing for Top-Flight Clubs.

Hungarian Pyramid System - Will1981


Extremely creative,the new League system Will implemented managed to proude many quality regens which all te top clubs went gaga over.Hungary performed well reaching the semi-finals of both the Euro 2012 and World Cup of 2018 but the number of quality players produced merits this Database a 8.

Tiraths for Quality of Database


The Shots...8/10...Like the Minimum of 5 U22 players in First XI rule. No foreigners can be good for Nigerian players although might prevent the growth of the league. A lot of effort put into the league system aswell.

Luke Cro DONE...7/10...Interesting choice of match day rules and a respectable league system put in place.

gms7 DONE...7/10...A good league system put in place and made some unique changes to the Nigerian Football setup.

trivaldo99 DONE...8/10...Really good effort and the match day rules look like they should benefit the nigerian players. No domestic cup which is the only negative comment I can give.

Martinz0309 DONE...7/10...Slightly dissapointed there wasn't much other than money to enhance the youngsters of Nigeria. There was only one league which was also a bit dissapointing, although the cup was a great idea.


iNickStuff DONE...7/10...A really unique way of setting up the league. Only downside is that your matchday rules don't really make sure the Hungarian players get the best oppurtinity of playing regularly. The games are quite spaced out aswell which isn't great for the players fitness.

TheOtherRedDevil DONE...9/10...A really well thought out league system put in place which required a good level of skill. A good cup competition aswell. Only dissapointment is that no matchday rule put in place to allow the young Hungarians to come through the ranks.

Neall DONE...6/10...A good league system but not much else done.


Will1981 DONE...10/10...A fantastic league system put in place. The match day rule also promotes the success of Hungarian players. A great cup competition added aswell.
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